Soil management

Last updated on January 14, 2021

The objective of soil management is to maintain soils in a physical, chemical and biological condition favourable for crop growth, while minimizing the risks to the environment from potential effects of erosion.

Soil management for B.C. crops

Find out how soil and soil surveys in B.C. came to be and why they are important to agriculture and British Columbians in general:

Regionally-focused publications were developed to complement soil surveys. By knowing the soil names from the maps that accompany particular soil surveys, farmers and ranchers can find out about general limitations of specific soils for agriculture, and appropriate management inputs for suited crops. Although the publications describe soils in specific regions, the publications also contain information about managing soils for crop production across British Columbia.

Soil pH

Soil pH affects plants, soil organisms, and the availability of soil nutrients and metals for plant uptake. Because soil pH can be challenging to adjust quickly or after crops have been planted, it is important to understand what adjustments are needed sooner than later. 

Soil erosion control

Erosion represents a loss of productive topsoil due to wind and water. The concern is accelerated erosion of soil that is not well protected. Organic matter and fertile topsoil are lost, in turn affecting water infiltration and evaporation. Ultimately, erosion can decrease crop yields and profitability.

Looking for a soil lab?

Contact information

AgriService BC

Have a question?  Call or email and a staff person will assist you.

Telephone: 1 888 221-7141
