Renewable energy

Last updated on January 14, 2021

On this page, you’ll find information on renewable energy technologies that can be used on-farm.

On-farm biogas production

The concept of on-farm biogas production is very simple; place organic material (ex. manure and food waste) in a tank and let the microorganisms convert the material into biogas and a nutrient-rich by-product called digestate.

Below is a link to the On-Farm Biogas Development Handbook. This handbook is designed to provide a basic understanding of biogas production and a high-level feasibility assessment to determine if your farm may be a good candidate for a biogas plant. The feasibility assessment does not replace an engineered assessment.

To better understand the economic feasibility of on-farm biogas projects for various farm types and feedstock, the original B.C. On-Farm Anaerobic Digestion Benchmark Study was updated in 2019/2020. The updated study provides an economic analysis for 18 different scenarios (ex. Farm type and size, minimal technology, etc.). This study is only meant to serve as a general indicator of on-farm feasibility and should not be relied upon as a guarantee of success.

When considering anaerobic digestion, it is possible that off-farm feedstocks will need to be imported in order to produce enough gas and in turn make the project viable. Farmers will need to account for the extra nutrients that are being brought on-farm if off-farm feedstocks are being imported. Nutrient recovery may be needed if the off-farm feedstock will upset the farm’s nutrient balance.

Solar energy

Solar energy provides a means for farms to capture renewable energy. The following report investigates the feasibility of implementing solar panels on the farm.

Funding opportunities

Renewable Energy technologies are usually innovative in nature and may be eligible for funding through the Canada-BC Agri-Innovation Program. For more information, click the link below

Contact information

AgriService BC

Have a question?  Call or email and a staff person will assist you.

Telephone: 1 888 221-7141

