Strata legislation

Publication date: January 2, 2025

The Strata Property Act, regulations and the strata corporation's bylaws and rules provide the legal framework under which all strata corporations, including strata-titled duplexes, must operate in British Columbia. This legal framework is also affected by decisions from the Civil Resolution Tribunal, court cases and other legislation.

Learn more on this page:
Multiple sources of information
Links to strata legislation
Searching strata legislation
Printed copies
Other legislation
The role of the Province
Legislative context

Multiple sources of information

Users should be aware that there is not one single source of information setting out the legal requirements for a strata corporation. There are multiple sources including the Strata Property Act, the three strata regulations, court decisions, Civil Resolution Tribunal decisions and the strata corporation’s bylaws and rules. These sources interact with each other.

For example, section 103 (3)(a) of the Strata Property Act states that the budget and financial statement must contain the information required by the regulations. Strata Property Regulation Section 6.6 lists the information that the budget must contain. So users need to be aware of requirements in both the Act and the regulations.

It is important to understand all of these sources and, as appropriate, to consult with a knowledgeable strata lawyer to get legal advice. Strata associations and this website also offer helpful background information.

Links to strata legislation

The Strata Property Act, Regulations, Standard Bylaws, and forms are subject to change. Users should obtain current versions; some changes to strata legislation and related legislation are also noted on this website.

Searching strata legislation

For an easier way to search the Strata Property Act and regulations,

  1. go to this page on BC Laws
  2. click the advanced search box
  3. enter the term or word you want to search

You can search strata legislation by any or all of the following:

  • All
  • Act
  • Act Point in Time
  • Historical Table
  • Regulation Point in Time
  • Regulation
  • Table of Legislative Changes

Often strata community members search by selecting the Act and regulation (this includes all strata regulations).

Printed copies

There are several options to get printed copies of the Strata Property Act, regulations and Standard Bylaws:

  • From your own electronic device, as an unofficial version for private purposes, print the updated Act, related regulations and Standard Bylaws from the links to strata legislation above. Please note, it may take some time for legislative changes to be reflected in the online version. However changes are flagged in the strata legislative changes page.
  • Order a convenience copy (an unofficial printed consolidation) of the Strata Property Act and Regulations is available from Crown Publications at this link. This custom order option unofficially incorporates changes to the Act and regulations right in the main documents. Convenience copies can be spiral bound or three-hole punched. They are non-returnable and delivery time is 7 to 10 business days. Please confirm the date with Crown Publications that the convenience copy has been updated to as it takes some time for legislative changes to be reflected online.
  • An official printed copy of the Act and/or the regulations can be ordered from Crown Publications at the current prices listed on their site. The official copy of the Act is updated to the dates noted on the website, generally happening only once or twice a year, and subsequent amendments to the Act and strata regulations are provided as separate documents.  

Other legislation 

There is other legislation that strata owners and residents should understand. This includes but is not limited to:

Provincial legislation:

  • The Homeowner Protection Act—governs the licensing of residential builders and the mandatory third-party new home warranty insurance system. Learn more at Licensing and Consumer Services (formerly the Homeowner Protection Office).
  • The Human Rights Code—prohibits discrimination in certain areas of activity and creates a process for making and resolving complaints of discrimination. Learn more at the Human Rights Tribunal.
  • The Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)—is an Act about privacy in the private sector including strata corporations. Learn more at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia (“OIPC”) which in May 2022 updated privacy guidelines for strata corporations and strata property agents.
  • The Real Estate Development Marketing Act (REDMA)—governs the marketing of strata developments by developers and requires them to obtain development approvals, file disclosure statements, place purchase monies in trust, and provide rescission rights. Learn more at the BC Financial Services Authority.
  • The Real Estate Services Act (RESA)—provides a licensing and regulatory framework for strata managers and realtors that is regulated by the BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA).
  • The Residential Tenancy Act (RTA)—governs the relationship between landlords and tenants, including those in stratas. Learn more at the Province’s rental housing website (Residential Tenancies).

Local government bylaws also apply to strata corporations, owners and residents; for example, composting and recycling requirements.

Some parts of the federal government’s Canada Revenue Act apply to strata corporations, such as filing income tax statements and changing the strata fiscal year. Learn more in budgeting and strata fees.

It is important to know that a strata corporation bylaw (even if validly passed) is not enforceable if it contravenes any other law or enactment, whether federal, provincial or local.

The role of the Province

Stratas are self governed; strata owners and residents use the democratic provisions within the legislative framework to operate strata corporations.

The Province's role is in creating and updating strata legislation, it does not include providing legal advice.

The Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) offers a way to resolve many strata disputes. The CRT is an online tribunal which allows faster and more effective resolutions of most strata disputes. The CRT can also resolve small claim disputes up to $5,000.

In June 2019 the BC Law Institute finished a five year review of the Strata Property Act and regulations with many opportunities for public review and comment. BCLI issued five reports with recommendations to amend strata legislation.

Suggestions and concerns with respect to strata legislation can be made to Housing Policy Branch, in the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs.

Legislative context

The provincial government is responsible for the Strata Property Act and regulations. It provides the democratic system of governance for strata owners to manage the strata corporation.


There is a hierarchy of legislative authority. The law has the most authority and is primarily determined through legislation (such as the Strata Property Act) court decisions, (judicial precedent) and custom. 

The Strata Property Act can only be amended by the provincial legislature. It is hundreds of pages and includes more than 300 sections, grouped into 17 parts. The Act outlines in considerable detail how strata corporations must be created and operated.

The Strata Property Act was originally based on an Australian model. This is where the term strata comes from and why B.C. is the only jurisdiction in North America to use the term strata instead of condo or condominium.

Regulations and forms

Legislation may also have subordinate legislation—regulations or minister’s orders. Any regulations or minister's orders must be specifically authorized by legislation.

If there is conflict between legislation (e.g. the Strata Property Act) and regulations (e.g. Strata Property Regulation), the legislation is the primary authority.

Regulations are passed by Cabinet as “Orders in Council” or “OICs” and signed by the Lieutenant-Governor. Regulations may be passed at any time of the year.

There are three separate regulations under the Strata Property Act:

  • the Strata Property Regulation,
  • the Bare Land Strata Regulations, and
  • the Bare Land Strata Plan Cancellation Regulation.

Forms referred to in the Act (such as “Form B: the Information Certificate”) are found in the regulations. 

Regulations can be passed immediately after the authorizing legislation is passed or they can be developed at a later date. This happened with electrical planning reports for strata corporations. The Strata Property Act was amended in May 2023 to require strata corporations to obtain electrical planning reports, but the regulations with the detailed requirements were not brought into force until December 6, 2023. Then strata corporations were given additional time to obtain electrical planning reports, by either December 31 2026 or December 31, 2028, depending on where the strata corporation is located..

All draft provincial bills, once introduced into the BC Legislative Assembly, and all legislation and regulations are posted on public websites.

Strata bylaws and rules

All strata corporations must have bylaws and may also have rules. The Standard Bylaws are found at the end of the Strata Property Act, and these apply unless they have been amended by the strata corporation or the owner developer. Many strata corporations have bylaws which differ from the Standard Bylaws, learn more in bylaws and rules explained.

Find it fast: a convenient site map listing all the topics on the Province's strata housing website.

The information on this website about strata housing is provided for the user’s convenience as a basic starting point; it is not a substitute for getting legal advice. Learn more about the site’s purpose and limits. The content on this website is periodically reviewed and updated by the Province of British Columbia as per the date noted at the top of each page.