The Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) reviews and responds to complaints about staff conduct and the hearing process. It uses feedback to improve its rules, processes and policies when possible.
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The RTB reviews feedback and complaints about staff conduct and the dispute resolution hearing process. The complaint process is not for dispute resolution decisions, and the RTB is not able to change the outcome of a hearing.
The best way to submit a complaint is by emailing the branch.
Complaints or concerns about the RTB process, hearing or staff conduct
If you do not have email, you can send a written complaint to RTB at the address below:
Please provide a brief description of the issue and include:
Once received, your complaint or feedback will be sent to the appropriate manager or supervisor for review.
The investigating manager or supervisor will investigate the complaint, which typically includes discussing the matter with any staff involved in the complaint.
If a complaint is about a dispute resolution hearing and a decision has not been made, this step may not occur or be postponed. This is to protect the impartiality of the arbitrator in reaching a decision. If appropriate, discussion may occur after the decision.
If you have concerns during a hearing, you should raise those concerns at the hearing.
You will receive a written response within 30 days of submitting your complaint outlining the actions taken to review your complaint, the outcome and potential next steps.
If you believe you have not been treated fairly by the RTB, after completing the RTB's complaint process, you may wish to contact the Office of the Ombudsperson.