Condo and Strata Assignment Integrity Register (CSAIR)

Last updated on July 8, 2024

The Condo and Strata Assignment Integrity Register (CSAIR) is a database for assignments of purchase agreements of all residential condo and strata lots in B.C., including both pre-sale lots and completed lots.

A pre-sale purchase agreement refers to acquiring the right to purchase a condo or strata lot from a developer before the building is completed and registered with the land title office.

An assignment is the transfer of the right to purchase the condo or other strata lot.

Information collection

The CSAIR captures information about assignments of purchase agreements of condos and other strata lots, including certain personal information on the assignors and assignees.

Developers are responsible for collecting and reporting this information on all assignments of purchase agreements entered into on or after January 1, 2019.

Information in the CSAIR is kept confidential by the Ministry of Finance and is used to ensure that correct amount of property transfer tax is paid on pre-sold strata units. It is also shared with other agencies, such as the BC Financial Services Authority and Canada Revenue Agency, to ensure assignment transactions are reported and the appropriate taxes assessed. The information collected is also used to inform future housing and tax policy.

BC home flipping tax

Starting January 1, 2025, those who assign their presale contract may be subject to the BC home flipping tax. The BC home flipping tax will apply to income earned from the sale of presale contracts that were held for less than 730 days.

Online register
Condo under construction

Report assignments online through the Condo and Strata Assignment Integrity Register. 

Report assignments