Real estate in B.C.

Learn about real estate in B.C.: buying and selling property, real estate consultations, and regulations for real estate services, real estate development marketing and pre-sale strata.

Services and information topics

Buying and selling property

Buying or selling a home is probably one of the largest financial transactions you’ll ever make. Asking the right questions and getting the information you need helps to protect you as a consumer and achieve a good result for you and your family.

Real estate consultations

Public consultations are a way for British Columbians to share their feedback on proposed new and amended policies, rules, regulations and legislation.

Condo and Strata Assignment Integrity Register

The Condo and Strata Assignment Integrity Register (CSAIR) is a database for assignments of purchase agreements of all residential condo and strata lots in B.C., including both pre-sale lots and completed lots.

Land Owner Transparency Registry

The Land Owner Transparency Registry is a publicly searchable registry of information about beneficial ownership of land in British Columbia. Beneficial land owners are people who own or control land indirectly, such as through a corporation, partnership or trust. The registry is intended to end hidden ownership of land in B.C.