Eligibility, Skills & Training to be a Panel Member

Last updated on February 6, 2025


As a Chair or member of the panel, you will contribute your personal and professional knowledge and experience to decision-making, and meet the following conflict of interest guidelines:

  • Panel members and Chairs should not hold elected office, or be closely related (spouse or close relative) to someone who holds elected office.
  • Panel members and Chairs should not hold appointments to other boards or commissions that control budgets significantly affected by property assessment.
  • Panel members and Chairs should not act as agents to represent complainants to the Property Assessment Review Panel that they are sitting on during the term of their appointment. For further information, please contact the PARP Administration office at 250-387-1195.
  • Once appointed, panel members and Chairs should decline to hear any case involving factors that may interfere with their ability to make an impartial judgment, or may appear to others to do so, such as a case involving personal or business property interests, family, business partners, employers, employees, etc.


The following are desirable business skills and background/experience for panel Chairs and members:

  • previous Property Assessment Review Panel experience
  • real estate knowledge
  • land survey knowledge
  • property appraisal skills
  • business experience
  • mediation skills
  • computer and internet skills

Previous experience in the fields of property assessment, appraisal or real estate is helpful but not mandatory. Please see the competency list [PDF] for additional details.

For a complete job description, please click Chair job description (PDF) or Member job description (PDF).


Once appointed to a panel and prior to annual review periods, Chairs and members are obliged to complete a self-directed training session. Training will include, but is not restricted to:

  • an overview of the property assessment process in British Columbia
  • a detailed examination of panel roles and responsibilities
  • a comprehensive review of property appraisal techniques and measurement methodology
  • how to conduct an efficient Property Assessment Review Panel session