Complete communities

Last updated on July 10, 2023

Complete communities provide a diversity of housing to meet identified community needs and accommodate people at all stages of life, and provide a wider range of employment opportunities, amenities, and services within a 15- to 20-minute walk. They can be more efficient to service with infrastructure and have the potential to reduce community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with transportation.

This definition of complete communities is intended to operate as an overall goal, recognizing that complete communities may look different across regions.

Complete Communities Guide

The Complete Communities Guide (optimized PDF, 7.3MB) is intended to highlight how creating more complete communities can support many identified community goals, including those connected to housing, climate action, transportation, fiscal sustainability, servicing, and infrastructure. The Guide demonstrates how different types of data used in conducting geospatial assessments has the potential to support evidence-based decision-making and inspire action that integrates housing development with transportation options and other amenities, with consideration of servicing and infrastructure costs.

The Complete Communities Guide is also available in a high resolution format (PDF, 35.6MB).

Complete Communities Program

The $10M Complete Communities Program, administered by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) on behalf of the Province, supports local governments and modern Treaty Nations in undertaking assessments of their community completeness to identify current strengths, opportunities, and challenges and determine potential actions to increase their completeness.

B.C. Climate Action Charter

Under the B.C. Climate Action Charter, a key commitment of all local governments create complete, compact, and energy-efficient communities.