MSP Direct

Last updated on March 21, 2025

MSP Direct is an online business service, authorized by the Ministry of Health, that allows group plan administrators to make adjustments to their group members' account. Administrators can add and remove group members (with some exceptions) and their dependents from MSP group accounts online. Administrators can also quickly retrieve and update group member's or dependent's information.

The MSP Direct platform was upgraded in 2022 to a new software infrastructure. It now reflects current Ministry of Health standards and involved a redesign to use the latest technologies. While there were no changes to the MSP Direct services, there is a new URL to access the platform, as well as new access credentials to log in. See the sections below for more information.

Purpose of Service

MSP group administrators can update MSP accounts online. For example:

  • Add and remove group members (Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents) and their spouse and child(ren), if applicable, from their MSP group accounts
  • Retrieve and update the MSP addresses of their group members
  • Confirm that the Personal Health Number (PHN) that they have for a person is correct
  • Reduce processing times to update group members benefits
  • Provide one point for maintenance of MSP group accounts

Prerequisites for Service

Requirements to Qualify for MSP Direct:

  1. Web browsers: most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  2. Access from within Canada only:
    • Due to changes in B.C. legislation, which were in response to the US Patriot Act, we are prohibited from releasing personal information outside of Canada. Therefore, we are unable to set up any new clients outside of Canada with access to MSP Direct.
  3. Register for MSP coverage maintenance (MSP Direct) online.
  4. Complete and sign Confidentiality Undertaking (PDF, 606KB).
  5. Obtain one of the required government credentials as outlined below.

Government Credentials

Your Profile

Supported ID

Health Authorities and health care providers or organizations who deliver health services can search for clients' PHNs, confirm client eligibility for publicly funded health care and update person demographics.

  • Health Authority ID
  • IDIR

BC Government employees,  contractors and others, who work for BC Government.

  • IDIR

BC residents who have a valid BC Services Card can create a BC Services Card login.

  • BC Services Card

Individual representing a business or organization, registered in BC.

  • Business BCeID

Get Credentials and Find Support

Please contact the issuing agency to request access credentials.

Business BCeID

Health Authority credentials

  • All users within Health Authorities will use their existing Active Directory credentials.
  • When accessing the new MSP Direct, users should be granted access immediately.
  • Support requests should be sent to the existing internal help desk contacts.


  • Some government users may log in using existing IDIR credentials. For assistance with IDIR credentials, please contact existing internal government help desk contacts.

BC Services Card

Business Services

Access to the business services requires Ministry of Health approval and a signed Data Access Agreement (DAA) or Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the organization and the ministry.

 The MSP Direct business services enable authorized users to manage their group members’ MSP accounts. There are three types of accesses, known as Service Permission Groups (SPG), and the services available depend on the user’s assigned SPG. The following is a list of business services available on MSP Direct.

Business Service


PHN Inquiry 

Confirm that an individual’s PHN is correct and that they are enrolled in MSP. Up to 10 PHNs can be verified at one time.

PHN Lookup 

Find PHN of group members from their MSP group and contract numbers.

Check Eligibility Determine if a person is an MSP beneficiary on a particular date of service.
MSP Coverage Status Check Check if an individual is eligible to have their claim for a health service paid by MSP.

Add Group Member 

Add new group member to an MSP group account.

Add Group Member Dependent 

Add spouse or child to an existing group member 's MSP group account.

Add Study Permit Holder

Add international students holding valid study permits.

Cancel Group Member  Cancel group members from the MSP group account.
Cancel Group Member's Dependent  Cancel a group member’s spouse or child from the MSP group account.
Get Contract Periods  Retrieve the persons and coverage periods associated with group member’s MSP contract.
Reinstate Cancelled Group Coverage Remove a cancellation date and leave MSP group coverage intact.
Renew Cancelled Group Coverage Remove a cancellation date and leave MSP group coverage intact.
Update Group Members Number and/or Department Number  Update group members number or department.
Get Group Members Contract Address  Retrieve the MSP addresses of their group members in order to verify that they are current and correct.
Update Group Members Contract Address Update the home or mailing address, and/or telephone number of a group member's MSP account.

For all other personal information changes (e.g., name changes), please use a Group Change Request form.

Registering for and maintaining MSP Direct Access

New Organization

Existing Organization

Existing organizations can use the following Maintenance Form to:

  • Add/Delete/Edit MSP Users
  • Add/Delete/Edit MSP Groups
  • Changes to an Organization
  • Changes to the Access Administrator
  • Changes to the Signing Authority

Roles and Responsibilities

To protect the security and confidentiality of client information, the Ministry of Health requires that any organization registering for MSP Direct must designate individuals with appropriate authority to be responsible for user access. A description of each of the roles follows:

Signing Authority 

The person who has the authority to sign any legal document and binds the organization to the terms and conditions of the documents

Access Administrator

The person who will be the primary contact within the organization for all questions and concerns about user access.  They are responsible for registering users, assigning and cancelling access permissions. They also have same access to MSP Direct as an MSP User

MSP User 

The person(s) who will be accessing MSP Direct on behalf of the organization

To access MSP Direct, please visit: MSP Direct (


For more information on how to navigate and use MSP Direct, please refer to the MSP Direct User Guide.

For further information or support about MSP Direct business services, please contact:


Contact information

If you have questions about using MSP Direct, contact Health Insurance BC.

Health Insurance BC PO Box 9140 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, B.C. V8W 9E5