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BC PharmaCare for health professionals
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PharmaCare Policy Manual
7. Coverage Plans
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PharmaCare Policy Manual
1. Introduction to the BC PharmaCare Program
2. Provider Enrolment in PharmaCare
3. Claims Submission
4. Offline (Manual) Claims
5. Pricing Policies and Product Reimbursement
6. Understanding PharmaCare Benefit Status
7. Coverage Plans
7.1 Plans Overview
7.2 Fair PharmaCare
7.3 Long-term Care (Plan B)
7.4 Income Assistance (Plan C)
7.5 Cystic Fibrosis (Plan D)
7.6 Children in the At Home Program (Plan F)
7.7 Psychiatric Medications (Plan G)
7.8 Palliative Care (Plan P)
7.9 Medication Management (Plan M)
7.10 Smoking Cessation Program (Plan S)
7.11 B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (Plan X)
7.12 First Nations Health Benefits (Plan W)
7.13 Assurance (Plan Z)
8. Pharmacy Fees, Subsidies, Provider Payment
9. Privacy
10. Audit
11. Contacts for Practitioners and Providers
7. Coverage Plans
Last updated on October 20, 2022
7.1 Plans Overview
7.2 Fair PharmaCare
7.3 Permanent Residents of Licensed Long-term Care Facilities (Plan B)
7.4 Recipients of Income Assistance (Plan C)
7.5 Cystic Fibrosis (Plan D)
7.6 Children in the At Home Program (Plan F)
7.7 Psychiatric Medications (Plan G)
7.8 Palliative Care (Plan P)
7.9 Medication Management (Plan M)
7.10 Smoking Cessation Program (Plan S)
7.11 B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (Plan X)
7.12 First Nations Health Benefits (Plan W)
7.13 Assurance (Plan Z)
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