Starting a restaurant in B.C.

Last updated on January 5, 2021

image of a restaurant

Service design challenge

The B.C. government is working to help entrepreneurs easily and quickly start businesses by reducing regulatory red tape and improving business services and processes. Given the complex nature of starting a restaurant business in B.C. and to help facilitate this process, the “How to Start a Restaurant in B.C.” project was launched in 2014.

The key objective of the project was to develop an “online roadmap” that clearly explained the process and steps required to start and maintain a restaurant in B.C.

Service design activities

The Strategic Design and Transformation Branch worked with the project team to understand the challenges and pain points faced by business owners when setting up a restaurant in B.C. The team interviewed restaurant owners who had recently opened businesses, or were in the process of opening restaurants, in cities across the province. The research findings helped identify what resources restaurant owners used to help them set up their business – and what missing resources could have been useful during the process.

The Strategic Design and Transformation Branch then helped develop a roadmap of the process to set up a restaurant in B.C., as well as prototypes and content for online resources for business owners. The project team tested prototypes of an online website and quick reference guide with users, including local health authorities, restaurant associations and municipalities, to ensure a range of stakeholder voices were incorporated into the final resources.

Outcome and impact 

In January 2015, the B.C. government launched new resources to support entrepreneurs starting a restaurant in B.C.