Where to start?

Last updated on May 7, 2021

The Citizen Engagement Team in Citizens’ Services (CITZ) is a corporate team that is mandated to help to guide ministries through public engagement planning and execution. You must work with the team in a three-way collaborative partnership. The basic roles are:

  • The Citizen Engagement Team (GDX/CITZ) brings the experience of managing over 300 public engagements. They provide expertise and advice, supply corporate digital tools, have a list of expert contractors to support public engagements, manage government’s brand and web site look and feel, oversee privacy and security of the tools and help find ways to spread the word about each engagement. As the overall administrators and project managers of each engagement, Citizen Engagement ensures every engagement adheres to best practices including maintaining transparency by reporting on the results of an engagement and housing an organization-wide archive of all public engagement.
  • Your Ministry’s GCPE communications shop will manage communication with the public during an engagement. They help steer the messaging and manage issues, plan promotion and coordinate media. They also have a role in getting sign off and approval of Ministers early on and throughout a project.
  • Ministry program areas bring expertise, knowledge of the subject, understanding of the policy or program and the audience, and connections to networks of people who care about the topic.