350 - Legal Matters

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to ministry/agency legal advice, opinions, decisions, challenges, and issues. 

Records types include correspondence, legal opinions, subpoenas, affidavits, oaths, judicial decisions, and registers.

NOTE: For ease of reference and retrieval, some offices may wish to file copies of relevant records (e.g., legal advice and opinions) on the appropriate administrative or operational file.  Contact your Government Information Management Specialist (GIMS) if you have questions regarding file operations in your ministry or agency.

For employee oaths of employment, see the records of the B.C. Public Service Agency.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for: SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
350-00 Policy and procedures SO nil DE
350-01 General CY+2y nil DE
350-02 Legal document register
(supersedes former secondary 350-02 Legal opinions register)
SO = when updated and no longer required for reference purposes
SO+1y nil SR
350-03 Subpoenas
SO = when no longer required to protect the legal interests, rights, and obligations of the government
DE = Subpoenas will be destroyed because significant records related to cases will be retained from 350-20 and from the records maintained by Legal Services.
SO+1y nil DE
350-04 Oaths of office SO nil DE
350-20 Legal files
(covers legal issues, legal opinions, judicial decisions, and legal challenges)
SO = when no longer required to document precedents and protect the legal interests, rights, and obligations of the government
SO+1y nil SR

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