312 - Communications, Publications, Individual

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to the design and preparation of individual publications in various media by ministries and agencies.

Records types include correspondence, books, articles, manuscripts, directories, reports, pamphlets, newsletters and other periodicals, posters, maps, films, sound recordings, and video, audio, and computer disks, tapes, and other storage media.

For copyright, see primary 345.
For publication production and distribution, see primary 308.
For reference copies of publications, see secondary 358-20 and Transitory Information (schedule 102901).

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for: SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
312-00 Policy and procedures SO nil DE
312-01 General CY+2y nil DE
312-02 Originals used for publication
SO = upon date of final publication
SO+1y 5y DE
312-05 Completed publications
(not covered elsewhere)
SO = upon date of final publication
NOTE:  This secondary is reserved for one copy of the final, completed version of ministry/agency publications that are not classified in an ORCS or elsewhere in ARCS.
NOTE:  The development of these publications is covered by secondary -20.
SO+1y 5y SR
312-20 Ministry/agency publication development files
(covers articles, telephone directories, program directories, ministry publication development files, and publication review files)
SO = upon date of publication or when publication development is cancelled
DE = Ministry/agency publication development files can be destroyed upon authorization of the Records Officer because the final, completed versions will be retained by the government archives under secondary -05 or under appropriate ORCS secondaries.
SO+1y 5y DE

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