B.C. Fairs, Festivals and Events Fund

Last updated on March 13, 2025

On this page

About the fund 

The B.C. Fairs, Festivals and Events Fund (the BCFFE Fund) helps community event organizations recover from ongoing challenges related to: 

  • Cost increases 
  • Reduced revenue and sponsorships 
  • Rising costs of equipment and services 
  • Severe weather events 

How the fund works

The BCFFE Fund provides up to about 20% of your total event budget, up to a maximum of $250,000 per event. Your event budget must be at least $10,000.

You can use these funds to cover a range of operational expenses.

Depending on the uptake, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport may provide grant amounts higher or lower than 20% of the event budget. The total funding for each event will not exceed $250,000. Total funding per organization will not exceed $500,000.

Application process

Funds are limited and applications are reviewed in the order they are received. 

Applications are closed. All decisions are final. 

Late or incomplete applications are not accepted. 

Contact us if you have questions about eligibility.



Who can apply

You could apply for the fund if you are organizing an eligible event and it meets the eligibility criteria. Your organization must also have been in operation for 1 full year prior to applying to this fund. 

Eligible applicants

  • Indigenous community or organization 
  • Not-for-profit organization 
  • Business 
  • Local government 

Ineligible applicants

  • Individuals 
  • Federal, provincial or territorial governments (and their Crown corporations and agencies) 
  • Educational institutions, including universities, colleges and school board
  • Unions 

Mandatory eligibility criteria 

Eligible events are scheduled to take place in B.C. between April 1, 2024 and September 30, 2025 and meet the following eligibility criteria.


What your application should show 

Community impact and economic benefits

Your application must show how your event provides community and economic impacts to enhance quality of life and community wellness, through: 

  • Community-wide economic benefits, such as working with local vendors, producers, or securing sponsorship
  • Tourism value, such as attracting visitors from outside local areas 
  • Community engagement, such as working with local artists or promoting diversity, equity and inclusion

Alignment with government priorities 

Preference may be given to events that align with the following government priorities:

How to apply 

Applications are closed. 

You can submit a maximum of 3 applications. Each event requires its own application package.

Applications will not be accepted past the application deadline. No exceptions will be granted. If you have questions, contact us as soon as possible. 

You must complete and submit the application form online. Do not print and scan the form. Scanned or incomplete applications will not be accepted. 

All decision are final. 

The deadline for spending approved grant funding is September 30, 2025. 

Your event budget 

You must use the event budget template (XSLX, 18KB) to submit your budget. Complete your budget following the event budget template instructions.

The budget must reflect anticipated revenues, other funding sources and expenses. The event budget must also include total operating costs related to the event and should not include the requested BCFFE funding. 

Event budgets are not required to be balanced. Event budgets with significant surpluses or deficits may not receive a grant. 

How to use your funding

You must indicate your intended use of grant funds on your application. Funds must be spent on eligible expenses directly associated with the event described in your application. Grant funds not spent must be repaid. 


Event cancellation / change of scope

The Ministry understands events may have to be postponed or cancelled due to wildfires or other emergencies. We are working closely with event organizers of affected events and remain flexible in supporting organizers to use funds for eligible activities in accordance with funding guidelines.

If your event is impacted, please contact the BCFFE team at BCFFE@gov.bc.ca to advise us of any event cancellations or date changes.


You must spend all grant funds on the event outlined in your application. If the funds are not fully spent on the event or your event changes substantially in scope, you must contact the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport to discuss your repayment options. 

You will be required to submit a post-event report that outlines the following information: 

  • Total number of attendees
  • Total number of jobs supported
  • Total number of volunteers engaged
  • Description of how grant funds were used
  • Description of community impact and/or testimonials

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport will provide you with a report template. 

Reports will be due three months after the event concludes. Failure to submit a final report may affect future funding decisions or may result in the repayment of funds to the Province.

Your agreement with the ministry

Funding decisions and payment

Funding decisions will be communicated in writing. Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, which will outline the terms of the agreement including reporting requirements and restrictions on the use of funds. 

All decisions are final. There is no appeal process for unsuccessful applicants to the fund. 


Organizations awarded grant funds may also be subject to post-payment audits to ensure compliance with the fund guidelines. Ineligible use of funds or unspent funds may result in grant funds becoming repayable to the ministry. 

Funding recipients

In 2024, more than 1,100 events received funding through the BCFFE Fund. 

Due to the overwhelming demand and to ensure every eligible applicant received funding, an additional $5 million in Tourism Events Program funding was provided, totaling $20 million for events in B.C.

Get help

Contact the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport with questions.