Regulated Marketing: Decision Summaries

Last updated on March 30, 2020

BCFIRB posts all appeal decisions related to current commodity boards. BCFIRB decisions are required to be made accessible to the  public according to the following pieces of legislation:


BCFIRB posts all Regulated Marketing Decisions

All BCFIRB appeal and supervisory related decisions made under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act  are subject to Judicial Review

Material may be used without permission if accurately reproduced and the source is acknowledged. Copying materials for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited unless authorized by BCFIRB. Authoritative versions of decisions are kept by the BCFIRB Office. Copies available by request.


Issues Decision Summaries Year
Pricing Chicken Pricing Appeal - PPPABC & BCCGA v BCCMB (PDF) 2019
Consultation Consultation - PPPABC v BCCMB Rossdown 3 (PDF) 2003
Consultation Consultation - Hallmark Poultry Processors Ltd v BCCMB (PDF) 1998
Direction of Product Direct Product Lilydale and 7 Growers v BCCMB (PDF) 2005
Direction of Product Direction Product Contracts - Lilydale 7 Growers v BCCMB (PDF) 2004
Direction of Product Direction of Product - Rossdown v BCCMB 2001 Rossdown 1 (PDF) 2001
Freight Rates Pooling Nida and MDA v BCMMD (PDF) 2004
New Entrants Nep Assurance of Supply - Fraser Valley Duck and Goose v BCCMB (PDF) 2008
New Entrants Nep PPPABC v BCCMB (Rossdown 3)(PDF) 2003
New Entrants Nep Spec Production - Hong v BCCMB (PDF) 2001
Permits Permit Production Integrated Operation - Ponich v BCCMB (PDF) 2001
Production Penalties Production Penalities - Klaas Korthuis Try Poultry Farms v BCCMB (PDF) 2000
Quota Quota Revoked - Van Herk v BCMMB (PDF) 2006
Quota Allocation of Quota - Chicken Ranch v BCCMB (PDF) 2001
Specialty Production Organic Egg Production - Alfred Reid Olera Farms v BCEMB (PDF) 2003
Quality Standards Quality Standards - PPPABC v BCCMB Rossdown 2 (PDF) 2002
Legislation, Jurisdiction, Agreements and Related Jurisdiction Fairness - Pan-o-ramic Farms v BCCMB (PDF) 2004
Legislation, Jurisdiction, Agreements and Related Fed Prov Agreement - Hallmark et al v BCCMB (PDF) 2003
Legislation, Jurisdiction, Agreements and Related Statutory Interpretation - Alfred Reid Olera Farms v BCEMB (PDF) 2002
Legislation, Jurisdiction, Agreements and Related TRLQ Jurisdiction - Salmon Arm Poultry Farm v BCEMB (PDF) 2001
Legislation, Jurisdiction, Agreements and Related Enforcement BCFIRB Jurisdiction - Bill Pottruff v BCEMB (PDF) 2001
Legislation, Jurisdiction, Agreements and Related Document Disclosure - Hallmark et al v BCCMB (PDF) 2000