About proclamations

Last updated on May 24, 2024

Suitable occasions or events for proclamations are those that:

  • Have significance or general application to BC
  • Observe milestones, recognize achievements or direct attention to a worthy cause
  • Are apolitical
  • Would not be considered offensive or frivolous by the public

Examples of past proclamations include Child and Youth Day and Multiculturalism Week.

Proclamations can be requested by organizations or individuals, either on their own behalf or on behalf of the general public. The provincial government may also issue proclamations to commemorate events of provincial or historical significance.

Proclamations are issued under an order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. OIC 903/2002 provides authority for the Attorney General to issue proclamations. The BC Proclamations Program is administered by the Order in Council (OIC) Administration Office in the Ministry of Attorney General.

NOTICE: Submission deadline before election period

Requests dated from September 14 to November 30, 2024 must be submitted by August 2, 2024 (or by June 21, 2024 if your request is related to multiculturalism or anti-racism). See Request a proclamation for details.


Contact us

Email BCProclamations@gov.bc.ca for more information or for updates on the status of your request.