
Last updated on November 28, 2017

About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Excerpt from HealthLink BC:

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes tissues lining the joints to become swollen, stiff, and painful (inflamed).
Over time, this inflammation may destroy the joint tissues. This can limit your daily activities and make it hard for you to walk and use your hands.
Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women than in men. It often begins between the ages of 40 and 60.

Learn more at:

About Osteoarthritis

Excerpt from HealthLink BC:

Osteoarthritis is a painful problem with the joints. Healthy joints help your body move, bend, and twist. Knees glide up and down stairs without creaking or crunching. Hips move you along on a walk without a complaint. But when you have arthritis, such simple, everyday movements can hurt. Using the stairs can be painful. Walking a few steps, opening a door, and even combing your hair can be hard.

Learn more at:

HealthLink BC: Osteoarthritis

Helpful Organizations and Information Resources

Arthritis Society of Canada

The Arthritis Society provides leadership and funding for research, advocacy, and solutions to improve the quality of life for Canadians affected by arthritis. Helpful resources for people suffering from arthritis include:

Related Information

For more information about ways you can prevent disease and injury or care for specific medical conditions, see:

Resources Summary

Great resources on this page include: