SHSS Service Delivery

Last updated on January 27, 2025

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Referrals and Placements

Selecting the appropriate SHSS Service Provider for a child/youth includes collaboration with the Service Provider, Primary Professional, and Resource Worker to determine if any additional supports are needed to support a successful placement.

A Resource Worker may consult with multiple SHSS Service Providers regarding the same child/youth to determine which placement will best meet the needs of the child/youth.

The following topics will provide a brief overview, but please refer to the SHSS Guidebook for Service Providers (PDF, 1MB) and Service Provider Operational Policy (PDF, 1MB).


Summary of Approach

Developing an approach to Service Planning before the child/youth arrives at the SHSS Care Setting to promote a positive Transition-In period is the responsibility of the Service Provider.

This approach will be based on information contained in the SHSS Referral Document.

The SHSS Service Provider will provide the Resource Worker with a summary of the planned service approach, including a plan for the child/youth’s transition into the resource. 

The plan will:

  • Consider the child/youth’s lived experience and not cause further trauma to the child, youth, or family as they transition into service
  • Respect the child/youth/family’s unique identity and respect an indigenous child/youth’s inherent right to culture, language, and tradition
  • Align with the child/youth’s needs as described in the SHSS Referral Document
  • Align with and be integrated with other existing plans

Review the SHSS Guidebook for Service Providers (PDF, 1MB) specifically Summary of Approach for Transition Into SHSS Services section 6.2.

Please review the A Call to Action: Destigmatizing Language (PDF, 1MB) for a selection of resources to facilitate discussions around the use of child-centered, person-first, identity-first, and destigmatizing language when speaking to and documenting the lives of children and youth.


Intake Meeting

The Primary Professional coordinates the intake meeting at the SHSS Care Setting as soon as possible after the child/youth arrives. The child/youth, and their family/caregivers are to attend the Intake Meeting.

Intake Meeting occurs at SHSS Care Setting with all parties present, with a culturally safe and trauma informed orientation to the home, staff and SHSS Services.

Review the SHSS Guidebook for Service Providers (PDF, 1MB) specifically Intake Meeting section 6.3.


The SHSS Care Circle

The following Job Aid describes the SHSS Care Circle and SHSS Service Plan.


The SHSS Service Plan Overview

The SHSS Service Plan's primary function is to enable Service Providers to plan for the quality care that meets the child/youth's needs, and it also reflects the Service Provider's responsibilities as outlined in the child/youth's other plans such as their care plan, My Support Plan or Youth Transition Plan. 


Monthly Check In

The Monthly Check-In is a monitoring and reporting function of the SHSS Service Plan. The SHSS Service Provider is responsible for completing the Monthly Check-In in the Specialized Services Portal. 
The Monthly Check-In has three sections: 

  1. Child/Youth Voice
    • This section is a reflection on the child/youth’s voice and must reflect the child/youth’s views and opinions
    • The SHSS Service Provider’s views can be noted in the comments, but are not to be used as part of the rating
    • The child/youth’s Primary Professional and the SHSS Resource Worker will review each Monthly Check-In and the SHSS Service Provider may be required to update the Monthly Check-In if a more accurate reflection of the child/youth’s voice is required
  2. Family Voice
    • This section is only completed for SHSS Respite Care 
  3. SHSS Care Circle Voice
    • This section is specific to Transition Out planning

It is important that the Monthly Check-In is completed according to the Monthly Check-In Guidelines for Service Providers (linked below).


Monitoring Progress Towards Goals

Service Providers will measure progress on the identified goals for each domain that are aligned with the overall outcomes that are outlined in the child/youth’s existing plans.


  • Community Inclusion / Belonging
  • Developmental (Cognitive, Behavioural, Physical)
  • Social, Emotional and Day-to-Day Wellness
  • Cultural Attachment and Connectedness

Measurement of a child/youth’s progress towards goals is completed through the SHSS Service Plan and assessed by the child/youth’s SHSS Care Circle.

Review the SHSS Guidebook for Service Providers (PDF, 1MB) specifically Measuring Progress Towards Goals section 10.3.



Contact information

For SHSS service delivery support, contact your local Resource Team.

For system support within the Specialized Services Portal please contact: