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There are two types of SHSS contracts: Legacy and Net New. Legacy Contracts are used to transition an Agency’s existing CRA contract into an SHSS contract without disrupting the placement of children and youth residing in those homes. Net New Contracts are contracts for new SHSS services and are awarded through the Call for Response process outlined on BC Bid.
Transitioning Legacy Contracts
For more information, review the documents below:
Legacy Contract Transition In Plan Demo - click the play button below to start.
This Budget Tool is intended to support Service Provider transitions into the SHSS program. It is important to determine the current funding structure and amounts for each transitioning contract and care setting to ensure the continuity of services between contracts.
This document should reflect the Service Provider's actual funding amounts for their current contract or contracts in as much detail as possible.
Along with this Budget Tool, Service Providers must submit any relevant documentation to support contract discussions (e.g. contracts (residential and non-residential), previously used costing tools, staffing schedules). In the comments section, the Service Provider must reference the applicable Supporting document(s) for the applicable section.
By submitting this, the Service Provider certifies the information contained within this tool is true and correct to the best of their knowledge.
Please see the SHSS Stage 1 Budget Tool here:
SHSS Legacy Stage 1 Budget Tool (XLS, 122KB)
Demo of the SHSS Stage 1 Budget Tool click the play button below to start.
The Stage 2 Costing Tool supports the drafting of Legacy Contracts in the SHSS Program, particularly with respect to Schedule F and Appendix F1 of the SHSS contracts for all four SHSS Service Types.
Additionally, the 'Additional Supports Requests' tab outlines the additional legacy transition supports amounts that will be submitted through the Portal upon signing the contract. Yellow cells are editable.
As outputs, the Costing Tool produces the Contract Maximum, Monthly Amount, Occupancy Based Variable Amount (OBVA), Annual Maximum As Needed Amounts and detailed breakdown of Monthly Costs by Line Item, including:
These outputs are to be copied into Schedule F and Appendix F1 of the contract. Please refer to the Policies and Standards for guidance on the Operational Cost Structure.
Please see the SHSS Stage 2 Costing Tool here:
Legacy Contracts
Legacy Templates
Net New Contracts
Net New Contracts have a Transition-In period of up to 90 days. This allows time to ensure that new SHSS Service Providers can arrange their operations and prepare their facilities to perform SHSS Services at a new Care Setting.
Once the period is successfully completed, the SHSS Service Provider is available to receive placements and is responsible for the delivery of SHSS Services as per the Service Agreement.
For more information, review the documents below below:
The SHSS Net New Costing Tool is completed in collaboration with the Resource Team, Contract Management Transition Team and the Service Provider. The figures generated by the completed costing tool will be entered into the final contract.
Please see the SHSS Net New Contracts Costing Tool here:
Net New Contracts
Net New Templates
In addition to the day-to-day care and supervision children and youth receive at an SHSS, they often require additional support to meet their needs and achieve their goals. This additional support can come from “supplemental supports” or “one-time-only supports”, which include services such as clinical therapies and interventions of a wide variety, extra staffing, cultural connections and activities, and peer support, which are provided by a range of professionals. A one-time-only request can be made for services, equipment, repairs/renovations, resources, etc. for an individual child/youth or for the Care Setting.
For further information, please consult the Service Provider Operational Policy (PDF, 1MB) and the SHSS Guidebook for Service Providers (PDF, 1.2MB) specifically Additional Support: Funding Request section 9.4.
Obligations management is the process of ensuring that all parties involved in a contract meet their obligations in a timely and effective manner. This is a critical component of contract management, as it helps to minimize risks, improve performance, and ensure that the contract is successful. Obligations management involves monitoring the performance of each party involved in the contract, addressing any non-compliance issues, and communicating regularly to ensure that everyone is aware of their obligations.
Contract obligations management is a crucial aspect of ensuring successful business relationships and project execution. It involves tracking and fulfilling the commitments outlined in contracts between parties.
Key steps in the process include the following:
Refer to the SHSS Guidebook for Service Providers (PDF, 1MB) specifically Contract Management - Amendments section 7.0 and Contract Management - Other section 8.0.
For forms, guides and other support documents, please refer to the SHSS Resources at a Glance Page.
Now Available: SHSS Roadmap. A resource to visualize the SHSS service planning process with helpful links and videos to support you.
For SHSS service delivery support, contact your local Resource Team.
For system support within the Specialized Services Portal please contact: