Start-Up Grants Definitions

Last updated on February 5, 2025

Defined terms commonly used for Start-up Grants.

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Child care facility

The physical building, facility or area of land which the proponent occupies and uses, or proposes to occupy and use, for the purpose of its child care operation.

Child care space

A full-time licensed space or two part-time child care spaces (e.g. a before school space and an after school space

Eligible Adult

Must be over the age of 19 and meet the necessary requirements to act as a Responsible Adult as defined under Section 29 of the Child Care Licensing Regulation.

Front-line Early Childhood Educator

A certified ECE who spends 50% or more of their working time providing direct care to children enrolled in a licensed child care setting (note: the remaining 50% of working time must also be in the licensed child care setting, but could include administrative time, etc.). A front-line ECE can be an employee, or an owner/operator, and can work full-time or part-time.

Good standing

The applicant does not have an outstanding debt owing to the Ministry for which no payment plan or arrangements have been established or there is a breach of any such payment plan or arrangements that have been established. If registered with the Corporate BC Registry, the applicant does not have any outstanding annual reports or any additional infractions. If the applicant holds an active (i.e, not expired) ECE certification with the British Columbia Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Registry, there are no current actions on the certification (e.g., Terms and Conditions, Suspension, or Cancellation)

Group Child Care

Being a program in which the licensee personally provides, within the licensee’s personal residence. This category includes child care for children school aged, 30 months to school aged including preschool, and under 36 months.

In-Home Multi-Age Child Care

Being a program in which the licensee is a certified educator and personally provides care, within the licensee’s personal residence, to no more than 8 children of various ages.

Licensed Family Child Care

Being a program in which the licensee personally provides care, within the licensee’s personal residence, to no more than 7 children.

Licensed spaces

The number of spaces as reported on the facility licence issued under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act.


The Ministry of Education and Child Care.

New Community Care Facility Licence

The licence issued to the Recipient under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act.

Personal Residence

The place where a person usually makes their home.