How to complete a lab requisition form

Last updated on May 12, 2022

Please record the following (items are highlighted in yellow in the example):

  • Number of containers
  • Collection start - date and time (YYYY-MM-DD  HH:MI)*
  • Collection end - date and time (YYYY-MM-DD  HH:MI)
  • Secchi Disk depth (also called Extinction depth)

* YYYY-MM-DD  HH:MI example is 2020-12-28  13:30

Download an example of a completed lab requisition form (PDF)


  • Include one lab requisition per sample site. The cooler may contain two copies, however one is a duplicate in case of damage.
  • Take a photo of the completed lab requisition as a record prior to shipping in a waterproof baggie.

Thumbnail image of a complete lab requisition form


Video: How to fill out a Lab Requisition form

An instructional video on how to fill out a Lab Requisition form as part of the B.C. Lake Stewardship and Monitoring Program. (Duration: 6 minutes)