Environmental Assessment Office Contact

Publication date: May 23, 2018

Give us your feedback

If you would like to submit a comment on a project undergoing assessment that has a public comment period underway, please visit the EAO's public engagement site where your comment will be received by the project team.

Contact information

PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V1

For feedback, questions or general comments about the EAO, the environmental assessment process or the EAO's project information website, email us at EAOinfo@gov.bc.ca

If you are starting a project or have a question about a specific project, please email us at EAO.Operations@gov.bc.ca

Associate deputy minister's office
Alex MacLennan  – associate deputy minister and chief executive assessment officer
Contact (executive assistant phone number): 236 478-3881

Assistant deputy minister's office
Chris Trumpy – assistant deputy minister and deputy chief executive assessment officer
Contact (executive assistant phone number): 250 953-1085

Media relations, communications and engagement
Sarah Plank – executive director, communications & engagement
250 952-1889

Compliance and enforcement
Ben York – director, compliance and enforcement
250 739-8209

Operations and project assessments

Policy and legislation 

Please use the B.C. government directory listing to find contact information for specific staff.

Honourable Tamara Davidson
Honourable George Heyman

Minister of Environment and Parks
