Watershed research

Last updated on November 5, 2021

Watershed research addresses aspects of streamflow timing and amount, nutrients and sediment, snow accumulation and melt, and aquatic and riparian ecosystems. This includes the effects of logging, wildfire, insect infestation and forest regrowth. These studies help government make informed decisions to ensure the health of our environment.

On this page:

Upper Penticton Creek Watershed Experiment

The Upper Penticton Creek Watershed Experiment was established in 1984 by the B.C. government to characterize the hydrology of the dry southern interior. Since then, research has focused on quantifying changes in hydrologic processes following logging (e.g., streamflow quantity and timing, snow accumulation, and snowmelt). This research continues today as forests regrow.

Information gathered through this project has provided input into forest management, drinking water security, and protection of aquatic habitat.

Learn more about the Upper Penticton Creek Watershed Experiment

The West Arm Demonstration Forest

Originally designed as a demonstration forest, West Arm Demonstration Forest (WADF) included 135,000 ha of forest from above the shoreline of Kootenay Lake to the subalpine. The primary intent of the demonstration forest was to manage the landbase to protect resource values by applying and testing the newest concepts in forest management in an operational setting. 

Learn more about the West Arm Demonstration Forest