
Last updated on February 10, 2025

Caring for the environment includes protecting habitats, ecosystems and vegetation while monitoring ongoing development projects.

Geomorphology, terrain, and soils

Geomorphology is the study of the shape of the Earth’s surface. Geological materials (bedrock and sediments laying on top of bedrock) and forces or processes such as gravity, flowing water, landslides, ice, and wind shape the surface of the Earth, eroding materials in some areas and depositing materials in other locations. The result of these geomorphological processes is the terrain (mountains, hills, plains, valleys, coastlines and beaches) and surficial materials that we see around us. Terrain attributes strongly influence the development of soils, vegetation communities and ecosystems and potential hazards (such as landslides).

Terrain mapping presents information about these landforms, the distribution of surficial materials, and the natural processes operating on the landscape. Soil is the thin layer of material at the earth’s surface that consists of weathered rock and organic materials, air, water and living organisms.

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Land is a vital component of healthy ecosystems that provide clean air and water, healthy forests and farms, and habitats for plants and animals. Learn about the diverse range of ecosystems in B.C. that support thousands of individual plant and animal species.

Vegetation Management

There are various methods used to protect and encourage the growth of vegetation. These could include the use of mechanical, chemical (herbicide) or other techniques.

Contact information

For more information about about environmental concerns in your area, please contact the regional office nearest you.