Workers’ Compensation Advocacy Training

Last updated on March 19, 2025

The Workers’ Advisers Office offers free training sessions intended to enhance participants’ knowledge of the Workers’ Compensation system, prohibited action issues, and occupational health and safety complaints. These sessions are designed specifically for representatives of injured workers. We also provide in-person and topic-specific sessions on request. If you are interested in hosting a training session, please contact us at

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Introduction to the Workers’ Advisers Office

March 20, 2025, 10 am to 11:30 am

May 22, 2025, 10 am to 11:30 am

In this session, we cover our organization’s mandate and discuss the services we can provide to injured workers and/or their representatives. We explain how we provide advice and when we can represent workers during an appeal. We also discuss how and when to contact our office.

Register for the session on March 20.

Register for the session on May 22.


Prohibited Action Complaints Overview

May 8, 2025, 9 am to 12 pm

In this session, we provide a high-level overview of prohibited action complaints.  We explain what prohibited actions are and how WorkSafeBC addresses them. We provide some common examples of health and safety issues that can lead to a prohibited action. We also discuss the onus of proof on parties and relevant statutory filing deadlines.

Register for this session.


Prohibited Action Complaints: Mediation, Adjudication, and Appeal Processes

June 12, 2025, 9 am to 12 pm

In this follow up to the Prohibited Action Complaints Overview session, we explore prohibited action complaints in further detail.  We explain the processes that are applicable when WorkSafeBC receives prohibited action complaints from workers, including mediation, adjudication, and appeal processes.

Completion of the Prohibited Action Complaints Overview is required before taking this course.

Register for this session.


WorkSafeBC Vocational Rehabilitation Services 

April 10, 2025, 10:30 am to 12 pm

In this session, we provide an understanding of WorkSafeBC’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services. Topics include policy, eligibility, available assistance, plan development, and appeal processes.

Register for this session.


Permanent Partial Disability Benefits: Loss of Earnings Method

April 16, 2025, 10:30 am to 12 pm

In this session, we cover how WorkSafeBC determines a worker’s entitlement to Permanent Partial Disability benefits under the loss of earnings method. We explain how WorkSafeBC determines a worker’s target occupation for the purpose of calculating the loss of earnings and explain the options for challenging this decision at review or appeal.

Completion of our session on Vocational Rehabilitation is recommended before taking this course.

Register for this session.


Reviews and Appeals

June 19, 2025, 9 am to 12 pm

In this session, we cover the responsibilities and best practices for workers’ representatives. This includes how to develop a case plan, apply relevant laws and policies, and assess evidence. We explain who can appeal a WorkSafeBC decision and how to start a review or appeal. We discuss the appeal process and the steps for preparing an appeal including collecting evidence, writing submissions, and preparing workers for oral hearings.

Previously this session was known as Level Two. Completion of the Workers' Compensation Overview is required before taking this course.

Register for this session.


Workers’ Compensation Overview

2025 Dates TBA

In this session, we cover the principles of the Workers’ Compensation system and the role of WorkSafeBC. Topics include who is eligible for compensation, how to file a claim, and the stages of a claim. We discuss how WorkSafeBC calculates benefits for injured workers and provide an overview of return-to-work responsibilities for workers and employers.

Previously this session was known as Level One.


Mental Disorder Claims

2025 Dates TBA

In this session, we cover the required criteria to have a mental disorder claim accepted. We discuss traumatic events, significant work-related stressors and claims related to bullying and harassment. We cover employer actions that are excluded from claims. We also discuss occupations that have a presumption under the legislation.

Completion of the Workers' Compensation Overview is recommended before taking this course.


Wage Rates

2025 Dates TBA

This session is under revision.


Bill 41: Duty to Cooperate and Duty to Maintain Employment

2025 Dates TBA

This session is under revision.