Pill Press Online Registry

Last updated on March 5, 2021

Business Profile/Dashboard

The Pill Press Online Registry has a user-friendly client Dashboard that allows legitimate owners of Controlled Equipment to easily apply for a confirmation or certificate, and to register and track their Controlled Equipment.

After authenticating through Business BCeID, a first-time visitor will be invited to fill out business profile information (i.e. addresses and contact details) that SPD requires to process applications, confirmations, certificates, and notifications (as applicable). An authenticated business will be able to apply for an Owner Category or provide a Controlled Equipment Notification through the Dashboard. The client Dashboard acts as the central landing page of the Pill Press Online Registry and provides the business with key information, such as application status or any obtained confirmations or certificates.

The business is responsible for ensuring that the Business Profile page contains accurate information – this is an ongoing obligation. Unless alternate arrangements have been requested, SPD will communicate with the client via business email, as agreed by the client on the Business Profile page of the Pill Press Online Registry.

Initially, the business must demonstrate that they are authorized to own Controlled Equipment by belonging to an Owner Category. This is done by applying to be a Waiver Holder, Registered Seller, or confirming that they are an Authorized Owner. A business can have more than one Owner Category. Once the business has at least one Owner Category, they will be able to register Controlled Equipment through the client Dashboard. The business has 10 days to provide Equipment Notification for each piece of Controlled Equipment. The business has an ongoing obligation to keep Owner Categories up-to-date and advise the Registrar of any changes to Controlled Equipment (such as location change, loss, theft or destruction). Any such changes may be reported via the client Dashboard.