Cancelled or expired B.C. teaching certificates

Last updated on January 30, 2024

Once you have a B.C. teaching certificate, keep it valid by paying the annual practice fee and authorizing a criminal record check every five years. If you hold an expiring certificate and you have coursework to complete, upgrade your certificate before it expires. This way, you won't need to apply for a new certificate if you want to teach in B.C.

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Cancelled non-expiring Certificate of Qualification

You have recent teaching experience

If you held a non-expiring Certificate of Qualification that was cancelled and you have recent teaching experience, you may qualify for reinstatement. You will need to submit a new application online, undergo the application process, and receive a formal evaluation to determine whether you are eligible for a teaching certificate under current certification standards. 

You must have teaching experience within the last five years that meets the following criteria:

  • One school year full-time (or part-time equivalent)
  • At a B.C. public school or a Group 1, Group 2, or Group 4 B.C. independent school, or an accredited B.C. First Nations school
  • Your employer has verified your experience in writing

To start the process, you will need to fill out an application. Your application will then be reviewed to see if you qualify for reinstatement.

You have no recent teaching experience

If your B.C. certificate is cancelled, or was issued before January 1, 1988, and you do not have recent teaching experience:

Cancelled or expired Conditional Certificate of Qualification  

A Conditional Certificate cannot be reinstated. You will not be issued a new Certificate of Qualification if a previous evaluation determined that you are required to do coursework and you have not completed it.  

Explore the different types of teacher certification. You will need to submit a new application online, undergo the application process, and receive a formal evaluation to determine whether you are eligible for a teaching certificate under current certification standards. You will need to submit transcripts for the new coursework that you have completed.

Cancelled or expired Independent School Teaching Certificate

Explore the different types of teacher certification. You will need to submit a new application online, undergo the application process, and receive a formal evaluation to determine whether you are eligible for a teaching certificate under current certification requirements. You don't need to re-submit transcripts unless you've completed more courses since you received your last B.C. certificate.