Monitoring Inspection

Last updated on July 23, 2024

The monitoring inspection is different from the external evaluation. Monitoring inspections are done between external evaluations to:

  • Confirm that a school continues to comply with legislation and requirements
  • Note new developments or changes at a school

Generally, the monitoring inspection is done by the Inspector of Independent Schools or a person designated by the inspector.

Before the inspection

Schools are asked to fill out a monitoring form in advance and have it available to the inspector during the monitoring inspection 

To prepare for a monitoring inspection schools should: 

During the inspection

Items that will be examined during the monitoring inspection include, but may not be limited to:

  • Records of municipal compliance
  • Fire and earthquake safety procedures 
  • School policies 
  • Financial records 
  • Teacher files (certification and criminal record checks) 
  • Curricular compliance documentation
  • Documentation of the provision of inclusive education services for students approved for funding