Model, Pathways & Methodology

Last updated on July 18, 2024

Explore resources related to the BC Public Service ‘house’ model, including an overview of its analytic background and development, and hands-on user guides.


The Technical Report: Modelling the 2022 Work Environment Survey Results

This technical report details the statistical methodologies supporting the development and subsequent testing of the 2022 Work Environment Survey (WES) employee engagement model. A summary of the engagement model over time is also available within the report.

Read the 2022 technical report (PDF, 1.02 MB)


Driver Guide: Connecting the Drivers of Engagement (WES 2022)

This report provides a summary of each of the drivers in the 2022 Work Environment Survey (WES) Employee Engagement Model. When interpreting the model it helps to first consider the connections to and from each driver, before turning attention to how the drivers link together to form pathways to the engagement characteristics.

Read the 2022 driver guide (PDF)


Pathway Guide: Tracing the Most Influential Pathways to Engagement in the BC Public Service (WES 2022)

This report provides a summary of the most influential pathways in the 2022 Work Environment Survey (WES) Employee Engagement Model. Pathways show how drivers work together to build engagement and provide insight about key priorities for improvement. Linking the leadership drivers to the building blocks through pathways can show more specifically where and how management should focus their efforts.

Read the 2022 pathways guide (PDF)


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