ERAP Narrations' YouTube channel provides users with an alternate way to learn about the various components of WES, and gives some clarity on why and how we use them. We continue to produce new videos, so check back to see what's new.
MyWES: This video walks you through MyWES, showing how you can use the tool to view and compare your WES results.
Percentiles: This video helps WES report users read a percentiles chart, and shows how percentiles can provide context for an organization's house model results.
States of Engagement: This video demonstrates how you can understand your organization or division's employees' engagement levels based on how they answered four specific questions in WES.
Key Drivers: This new component of WES reporting shows how analysis of key drivers can help identify areas for improvement and celebration within your division.
Workforce Profiles: This video gives viewers an overview of the Workforce Profiles dashboard, and demonstrates how to use the data and tables within.
Questions about the Work Environment Survey? Contact us.