Economic statistics

Last updated on March 17, 2025

Find a variety of statistics related to the economic strength of B.C. including gross domestic product, consumer price index, household spending and more.

On this page

Economic statistics

Key Economic Indicators

This dashboard provides a view of selected data relevant to monitoring economic activity in British Columbia.


Economic Accounts and Gross Domestic Product

The B.C. Economic Accounts and Gross Domestic Product provide statistics that can be used to explain the state of the economy including size, value and relative growth of industries over time.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The CPI measures changes to price levels of consumer goods and services purchased by households. Find monthly, annual, and fiscal statistics and highlights for B.C.

Economic Impacts Assessment

One of the ways BC Stats conducts economic impact assessments is by using The the B.C. Input-Output Model. The model is used to generate regional economic dependency figures, employment and revenue multipliers. It can also be used to assess the regional impact of projects and economic events


Household spending pattern statistics

Find statistics about household spending and dwelling characteristics.



​Employment and labour market statistics

Labour market statistics

Find monthly highlights about B.C.'s labour force.

Read the latest LFS highlights (PDF)

Labour Market Dashboard

View monthly labour market statistics and trends.


Employment information and statistics

Find information about employment in B.C. including annual statistics by region or by industry.


Earning and employment trends

Find a wage or salary for a particular job or industry.


Business statistics

Business formations and failures

Find annual statistics about B.C. business bankruptcy figures and incorporations.

B.C. business counts

Find statistics about the number of businesses in B.C.

Small business profile dashboard

Find downloadable data tables on the Small Business Profile Dashboard.


 â€‹ Trade statistics

Export statistics

Find monthly export data for B.C.

International commodity trade statistics

Find B.C. exports data for specific destinations and commodities

Industry statistics 


Tourism statistics

Find monthly tourism indicators, including GPD and employment as well as room revenue and property counts.

High technology statistics

Find GDP, revenue, employment, earning, trade and business statistics for high technology


Construction and housing statistics

Find monthly statistics for building permits, housing starts and house sales

Read the latest monthly building permits highlights (PDF)

Major Projects Inventory

Find details on major construction activity in the province, ranging from large residential condominiums to new industrial operations to transportation projects

Forestry statistics

Find statistics about log exports and softwood lumber exports.