
Last updated on May 28, 2024

BC Stats’ experienced team will bring you the best surveys, data collection and analysis for your dollar.


BC Stats is the only organization in British Columbia that can offer the protection of the Statistics Act and that means confidentiality is one of our top priorities.

Our surveys receive high response rates because individuals and businesses trust BC Stats.

Experience & Expertise

Our experience and expertise in

  • Survey design
  • Survey administration
  • Data analysis
  • Research services
  • Reports and recommendations

Can help you

  • Measure employee engagement
  • Understand the work environment at your public sector organization
  • Electronically survey your clients or customers within government
  • Gather workshop feedback
  • Conduct a government program evaluation
  • Conduct a telephone, mail or online survey of the public
  • Design and complete research involving difficult to reach segments of the population including immigrants, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities
  • Conduct focus groups
  • Plan a citizen consultation

Contact us to discuss your specific project.

Survey Results

In addition to collecting data, we analyze and interpret what we collect in a way that provides actionable insights for executives and managers. Survey results are only made available to the organization who requested the survey.  However, some analytical and methodological reports produced over the years are available for anyone to view. Reports are found under specific topics.


Contact information

Please send your questions and service requests to BC Stats here.

Mail to: BC Stats, Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9V1

Location: 563 Superior Street, Victoria BC

BC Stats, Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9V1