Learn about serving on a public sector board

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BC public sector board applications > learn about serving on a public sector board

Service to a board is a great way to contribute to the province. Board members help to ensure public sector organizations are appropriately governed and fulfill their mandate to British Columbians. Working on a board can be personally rewarding through the development of new skills, networks and a deeper understanding of community needs and concerns.

The role of a public sector organization (PSO) board member is to:

  • Provide strategic direction and leadership to a provincial agency, board or commission
  • Develop and approve the strategies, policies and plans necessary to fulfill the organization’s mandate
  • Ensure an agency, board or commission aligns with government’s strategic direction, legislation and policies
  • Evaluate, hire or terminate the CEO (where applicable), review CEO performance, and build a common understanding of the organization’s culture and succession planning 

contact usContact us with any questions about BC public sector boards.