Location data APIs

Last updated on July 17, 2024

Location services tools use authoritative location data to help you make informed decisions. You can use these services in your work and applications to find exact addresses, place names, vehicle routes, and more. 

BC Address Geocoder

The BC Address Geocoder is a REST web service API that is used to find physical locations and provide their latitude/longitude coordinates. It uses authoritative data to standardize civic and non-civic addresses in British Columbia. 

BC Route Planner

The BC Route Planner is a REST web service API that creates vehicle routes. Using authoritative road network data, it offers features that can provide the fastest or shortest route. It can suggest directions, distance, and optimized stops. It also plans round trips and adjusts to truck specific restrictions.

Geomark Web Service

The Geomark Web Service makes it easy to share spatial data through web links and removes the need for complex download/upload processes.

