Geomark Web Service

Last updated on June 27, 2024

The Geomark Web Service makes it easy to share spatial data through web links and removes the need for complex download/upload processes. You can create and share geographic areas of interest over the web in a variety of formats and coordinate systems. 

On this page

About the Geomark Web Service

To submit an application for Crown resources, navigate to the FrontCounterBC Discovery Tool. The tool also uses the Geomark Web Service to define the area that you are interested in developing.

Follow these steps to create a web address for your area:

1. Draw area of interest or create a shape file

2. Upload the drawing to the Geomark Web Service

3. The area of interest is stored online with a unique web address

4. The area of interest can be easily shared using its unique web address

Access the Geomark Web Service

Use the following applications for the Geomark Web Service

Launch Geomark Web Application

Access REST API Console

Technical resources

System Requirements

Recommended web browsers include Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Supported web browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer (version 9 or higher).
Google Earth Pro (version 7 or higher).

Scripts and Tools