B.C. Transportation Financing Authority (BCTFA)

Last updated on June 26, 2024

The BC Transportation Financing Authority (BCTFA) was established in 1993 as a Crown corporation operating under the Transportation Act with a mandate to plan, acquire, construct, hold, improve or operate transportation infrastructure throughout B.C.

The BCTFA has two subsidiaries:

BCTFA’s and BCRC’s governance, organizational overview and performance plan are outlined in the Ministry’s Service Plan. TI Corp’s Service Plan is available at TICorp.ca.

Financial Statements


Contact information

Contact us for information about BC Transportation Financing Authority (BCTFA).

General Inquiries Office
250 387-3198
250 356-7706
PO Box 9850 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9T5