Neighbourhood Golf Carts

Last updated on June 26, 2024

The Village of Chase is allowing  golf carts to operate on certain roads as part of a pilot project. This project will be monitored and reviewed for two years to make sure that we can accommodate neighbourhood golf carts safely. There will be opportunities for feedback. 

Golf carts must meet certain operating and vehicle requirements to be considered a neighbourhood golf cart.

The municipality will install road signs to alert drivers of the Neighbourhood Golf Cart zone.

Neighbourhood Golf Cart Begins Sign

Golf carts are not permitted on roadways and highways outside of approved areas.

Neighbourhood golf carts are subject to the same rules and regulations as motor vehicles and must

  • Be insured through ICBC
  • Have a permit issued by the municipality
  • Be operated by a licensed driver
  • Not carry passengers under 9 years of age
  • Only be operated during daylight hours and when the roads are free of ice, snow and slush
  • Not exceed a 32 km/h speed rating (20 MPH)

Golf Cart Requirements

Neighbourhood golf carts must have

  • 2 - 4 seats
  • A steering wheel
  • Service brakes and parking or emergency brakes
  • A rear-view mirror
  • A horn
  • Good quality tires
  • Day time running lights, turn signals and brake lights
  • Reflectors
  • Seatbelts
Find out more
Neighbourhood Golf Cart Specifications

Contact the communities participating in the pilot project for details and routes.


For more information about this pilot project contact:

Telephone: 250 387-3198
