Motor fuel tax and carbon tax publications

Last updated on December 16, 2024

On this publications page, you will find bulletinsnoticesother resources and legislation that relate to Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) and Carbon Tax (CT). 

You can identify whether the publication applies to one or both taxes by the title:

  • MFT-CT = Motor Fuel Tax and Carbon Tax
  • MFT = Motor Fuel Tax only
  • CT = Carbon Tax only

For example:

  • Bulletin MFT-CT 001 – Fuel Sellers applies to both MFT and CT


The following bulletins will help answer your questions about the motor fuel tax and carbon tax. The bulletins are listed by fuel sellersfuel purchasersfuel refunds and general information.

Bulletins – for fuel sellers

Bulletins – for fuel purchasers

Bulletins – for fuel refunds

Bulletins – general bulletins that apply to MFT and CT


These notices include specific changes in legislation that may affect you. They are meant to be read within the context of business practices and the tax legislation at the time the notice was issued.

Inventory notices

Other resources

Carbon tax rate schedules

Labels and decals


Listing of collector appointments, authorized coloured fuel sellers and exempt purchasers

Refer to the websites below to verify collector appointments, your customers' authorization to purchase coloured fuel for resale purposes, or to purchase fuel without paying tax or security as an Exempt Fuel Retailer, Registered Consumer or Registered Air or Marine Service:


The following legislation determines how you must collect, report and pay motor fuel tax and carbon tax and pay security.

eTaxBC online services

You can manage your account, file returns and make payments online using eTaxBC.

Log on to eTaxBC

For help with eTaxBC, visit our eTaxBC Help Guide.

Don't have access to eTaxBC? Enrol now and learn more about eTaxBC.

Report suspected tax non-compliance

If you know or suspect a person or business isn’t complying with B.C. tax laws, you can anonymously report them using the online tip form.

Submit an online tip

You can also submit a tip over the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-877-977-0858.


You may be able to appeal if you disagree with an action we have taken or a decision we have made, such as refusal to appoint you as a collector.

Contact information

Contact us with your questions about the motor fuel tax or carbon tax. 

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

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