Report a tip on suspected non-compliance with B.C. tax laws

Last updated on March 1, 2021

Tax revenues help fund important government programs and services such as healthcare, infrastructure and education. You can play an important role to ensure there is tax compliance in B.C. With your help, people in B.C. can continue to access programs and services and support a fair tax system in the province.

If you know or suspect an individual or business isn’t complying with B.C. tax laws, you can anonymously report them by using the online tip form 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

You can use the tip form to report concerns, such as individuals or businesses:

  • Only accepting cash for payment (for instance, they don’t take credit cards, cheques or e-transfers)
  • Not providing receipts or invoices when you pay
  • Not collecting tax on products or services that are taxable
  • Collecting tax but not reporting or paying it to the provincial government
  • Not reporting all sales or income
  • Importing products or possessions into B.C. but not paying tax on them
  • Not paying or avoiding tax on real estate (such as houses, condos, property taxes) 
  • Reporting incorrect values on vehicle transfer papers (such as reporting only $1 to pay lower taxes on a second-hand car or boat)
  • Not collecting or paying tax on tobacco sales (such as singles or packs of cigarettes, cigars, loose tobacco)
  • Receiving a benefit they're not entitled to

Helpful information you can provide us includes:

  • Details about the individual or business (such as names, contact information, names of shareholders or related companies if it’s a business)
  • Details about the allegations (such as what, where, when, who and how)
  • Supporting documents (such as invoices, contracts, financial statements)

You can also report a tip over the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-877-977-0858.

We will work with the reported individuals or businesses to educate them on how to file and pay taxes correctly. 

We take tip submissions seriously. We may follow up with you for additional information if you choose to disclose your contact information. However, we will not update you on the results of your tip. We can’t disclose any personal information, including details about our contact with anyone or potential outcomes of tip investigations.

Submit your tip now