Adding a spouse to the property title after deferring your taxes

Last updated on September 5, 2024

If you were approved to defer your property taxes and you hold an account number (PTD-XXXX-XXXX) under the Regular or Families with Children deferment programs, you can add your spouse to your property title without repaying your deferment account.

First, you must make an application to amend your deferment agreement and then request your property title be changed. However, if you want to change the owners on your property title or if you transfer full title to your spouse, you'll have to repay your tax deferment loan first.

After your spouse is added to your property title, they're equally liable for the entire loan balance. Before adding your spouse, we recommend you and your spouse review:

  • Your original tax deferment agreement
  • The last Statement of Account you received (issued each April)

Your Statement of Account will show:

  • Your balance as of March 31
  • Amounts of deferred taxes from the previous year on approved accounts
  • Interest and fees
  • If you have selected the automatic renewal option or not

Any payments after March 31, will not appear on the Statement of Account.

To view your must current account balance, you can enrol for eTaxBC or contact us. 

To change your property title, you need to:

 Add your spouse to your tax deferment agreement

To apply, complete the application and amending agreement (FIN 54) (PDF, 710KB). You may prefer to have a legal professional complete this form.

Your spouse and all registered owners must sign page 3 (Form 4) of the agreement. Only you must sign page 2 of the application (Form 1A).

Mail the original signed application and amending agreement to:

Property Tax Deferment Office
PO Box 9475 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC  V8W 9W6

Note: If the current registered owner passes away prior to completing and signing the application and amending agreement, the registration of adding a spouse can’t be completed. Contact us for more information.

 Change your property title

Once your application to add your spouse to the deferment agreement has been approved, the Province will:

  • Return your application and amending agreement form (FIN 54)
  • Provide a Consent Letter agreeing to the title change registered at the Land Title Office

To change your property title, you or your legal professional must file the returned amending forms, the Consent Letter and any other required documents at the Land Title Office or Personal Property Registry if you have a manufactured home. The Land Title Office or the Personal Property Registry will register a modification to the existing property tax deferment lien.


Add a spouse to your existing property tax deferment account with this form:

Contact information

Toll Free
Tax Deferment Program Ministry of Finance, PO Box 9475 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9W6