Download the WUI files

Last updated on May 12, 2023


The information presented within the Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps is derived from datasets and models that represent a provincial-level assessment of approximate relative wildfire threat across the land base.

It is intended to provide a strategic-level analysis of many different factors that contribute to wildfire threats, but it is not intended to represent absolute, site-specific values. The Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps were created at a provincial scale, so users of this product need to confirm that the initial wildfire-threat rating assigned to a given area is accurate by having a qualified professional validate that rating at the forest stand level.

Any limitations of the Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps are related but not limited to the accuracy of: the Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI); the 17 fuel types identified under the Canadian Forest Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) System; historical fire data; and assumptions associated with the development of the head fire intensity and spotting impact data layers.

The Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps do not provide an assessment of wildfire threats on private land parcels, since these are best determined through a site-level assessment such as FireSmart™. Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps were designed to assess the forested land base, while the FireSmart hazard assessment takes into consideration individual structural components (e.g. roofing and siding), fences, exotic plants and vegetation 10 metres and beyond from the structure — key areas linked to the spread of fire in a community. The wildland urban interface (WUI) component of the Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps do not take this information into consideration.

Any components within the data that are derived from structure-related information are intended to provide a strategic-level analysis, but they are not intended to represent absolute, site-specific values.  Any limitations of this wildland urban interface data are related but not limited to the accuracy of: the Terrain Resource Inventory Management (TRIM) data; Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICI Society) Address BC data; BC Assessment data; and other local datasets. It is the responsibility of users to determine the suitability of this data for their projects.

The BC Wildfire Service makes no warranties or guarantees either expressed or implied as to the completeness, accuracy or correctness of the data, nor accept any liability arising from any incorrect, incomplete or misleading information contained therein.

All data and databases are provided “as is” with no warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose. By accessing the Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps data, PDF files, KML files or any product derived from the data, the BC Wildfire Service, its staff and contractors are hereby released from any and all responsibility and liability associated with their use.


I agree. Proceed to the downloadable maps and KMLs.

FireSmart, Intelli-feu and other associated Marks are trademarks of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.