Emergency management legislation

Last updated on June 28, 2024

The Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR) coordinates British Columbia's response to emergencies and disasters.

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Legislation and regulations

On November 8, 2023, the Emergency and Disaster Management Act came into force, replacing the Emergency Program Act. The  new Act and related regulations govern how to manage an emergency or disaster in British Columbia:

Until they are repealed, regulations made under the former Emergency Program Act remain in force.

Modernized emergency management legislation

New legislation was developed to reflect the changing nature of emergencies and disasters. Changes will improve how we manage emergencies. They also address the impact these events have on people and communities.

For more detailed information on the new legislation, and to stay up-to-date on regulatory updates, visit and subscribe to the modernized emergency management legislation information hub.

Emergency management and First Nations communities

The Governments of Canada and the Province of British Columbia have a 10-year bilateral agreement, to enhance the delivery of emergency management support services to on-reserve First Nations communities in B.C. This agreement enables all First Nations communities on reserves to receive emergency management support equitable to what is currently provided to local authorities. 

The term local authority refers to municipalities, regional districts, Treaty First Nations and the Nisga’a Nation. Local authorities have specific legislated emergency management roles set out in the Emergency and Disaster Management Act

Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP)

In partnership with First Nations communities, provincial and territorial governments and non-government organizations, Indigenous Services Canada's Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP) helps communities on reserve access emergency assistance services.

EMAP provides funding to First Nations communities so they can build resiliency, prepare for natural hazards and respond to them using the four pillars of emergency management.