For details on significant updates, review the Revision History (PDF, 223KB)
The Ministry of Forests Engineering Manual provides information related to the administration, design, construction, maintenance and deactivation of resource roads.
Within the manual, ministry staff will find:
The manual is regularly reviewed and continually improved as policies and practices evolve.
Engineering Manual (PDF, 5.9MB)
A complete list of Engineering Manual appendices is provided below. It is organized using the same chapter headings as the manual. Each appendix is located in the chapter that it's most closely associated with in the manual. Note: Some appendices are discussed in various chapters of the manual.
1. Road administration
2. Road layout
3. Road survey and design
4. Design and construction of major structures
5. Road construction
6. Road inspection and maintenance
7. Road deactivation
8. Professional responsibilities and considerations
9. Forest resource road and crossing erosion and sediment management
10. Adaptation for climate change and weather extremes (no appendices)
There are no appendices for this section.
There are no appendices for this section.
There are no appendices for this section.
There are no appendices for this section.
There are no appendices for this section.
There are no appendices for this section.
Please direct any comments, suggestions or questions to the Ministry of Forests Engineering Branch.