Import of materials on a mine site

Last updated on November 26, 2024

All activities on a mine site, including the receipt, storage, treatment, processing and use of imported materials require authorization under the Mines Act. 

The ministry must ensure that materials imported to a mine site do not increase site liabilities, and that the use of the material is consistent with an approved mine plan and reclamation activities. 

The receipt, storage, treatment/processing and use of imported materials on a mine site requires the approval of the chief permitting officer, or their delegate, through an amendment of the mine’s Mines Act permit. Alternatively, it must be demonstrated that the import of materials is a non-substantial departure from approval. Where a decision to approve the receipt, storage, treatment/processing, and use of imported materials on a mine site is required, and where the decision may impact Aboriginal Interests, consultation with impacted Indigenous nations will be required. Read the Guidance on Approval of Imported Materials on a Mine Site (PDF, 245KB) for more information.

Exception Criteria

Where the type, characteristics, amount, and intended use of the imported material are described in an approved Mine Plan or Reclamation and Closure Plan, no further authorization is required.

All imported material must be characterized and deemed to be appropriate for its intended use by a Qualified Professional to ensure that it meets the approved end land use and permit conditions. The importation and use of the material are deemed to be a non-substantial departure from approval where the use of the material is not explicitly included in the mine plan or reclamation and closure plan and where all of the following conditions are met:

  • The material is required for an approved mining or reclamation purpose
  • The material is classified as uncontaminated, as defined by the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation, on the basis of lab analysis and land use classification of the receiving site
  • Rock, sand, gravel, and/or overburden material has been confirmed to have geochemical characteristics suitable for the intended use
  • The material has been confirmed to be free of invasive species and noxious weeds
  • The importation, or use, of the material will not increase the reclamation liability for the mine site
  • On private land, has the acceptance of the landowner
  • Does not contradict an existing Mines Act permit condition