Although other silvicultural treatments may redistribute volume and/or increase piece size and value, fertilization is the most proven method for increasing harvest volume and accelerating the operability of established stands.
As such, fertilization is widely viewed by forest managers and practitioners as a potentially valuable tool for mitigating "pinch points" in the mid-term timber supply caused by age class imbalances, and for increasing long term harvest levels.
During the past several decades, extensive research has been conducted to determine the nutritional status of coastal and interior forests and to document the effectiveness of single and repeated nutrient additions on improving tree and stand growth across a wide range of species and sites. The biological basis for fertilizing forests is to supply nutrient elements that constrain tree growth. Fertilization research has confirmed that nitrogen (N) deficiencies are widespread in B.C. forests, and that N additions often have a substantial positive effect on tree and stand growth. Other nutrient deficiencies, either induced or aggravated by N fertilization, have also been implicated as growth-limiting factors, especially in interior forests. For example, larger growth responses are often obtained by including sulphur (S) or boron (B) in fertilizer prescriptions for lodgepole pine.
Growth and yield data from area-based fertilization experiments is a vital source of data for treatment response predictions within managed stand growth and yield models. Over the long term, these field installations also provide data for checking a model's growth trends.
On this page
Experimental projects - coast
Year establ.
Extensive Studies of Fertilizing and Thinning Coastal Douglas-fir and Western Hemlock
Effects of Thinning and Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Coastal Sitka Spruce - Western Hemlock stands on the Queen Charlotte Islands
Whistler Biosolids Forest Fertilization Program
1258 |
Shawnigan Lake Fertilization and Thinning Experiment
1971 |
Experimental projects - interior
Nitrogen fertilization of lodgepole pine
1981 - 1983
Nitrogen, sulphur and boron fertilization of lodgepole pine |
4 |
1986 |
Nitrogen and sulphur fertilization of interior conifers |
31 |
1992-2002 |
Fertilizer x thinning interactions in lodgepole pine |
1 |
1992 |
Effects of nitrogen application rate on the growth of lodgepole pine |
1 |
2000 |
Response of young lodgepole pine to spring and fall applications of urea and ammonium nitrate fertilizer |
3 |
1984 |
Response of juvenile-spaced lodgepole pine to nitrogen and boron fertilization |
1 |
1984 |
Response of a young interior spruce plantation to fertilizer application |
1 |
1987 |
Interior spruce, Douglas-fir and western larch fertilizer screening trials in the British Columbia interior |
27 |
1987-1988 |
Response of young lodgepole pine to nitrogen and sulphur fertilization |
7 |
1988-1999 |
The effect of nitrogen and sulphur application rates and sulphur source on the nutrition and growth of lodgepole pine |
2 |
1990 |
The effects of nitrogen, sulphur and boron on the nutrition, health and growth of immature lodgepole pine |
1 |
1990 |
Maximizing the productivity of young forests in the interior of British Columbia |
8 |
1992 - 1999 |
Effects of nitrogen source on the growth of lodgepole pine |
1 |
1999 |
Sulphur fertilization of lodgepole pine: a stable isotope tracer study |
2 |
2002 |
Fertilization publications
General publications about forest fertilization research
- Addo-Danso, S.D., C.E. Prescott, and L. de Montigny. 2019. Responses of western hemlock, western redcedar, and amabilis fir to fertilization: a synthesis. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 123.
- Brockley, R.P. 2007. Assessing the effects of fertilization on understorey vegetation in young lodgepole pine and spruce forests in central British Columbia. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 81.
- Jang, W., B.N.I. Eskelson, and L. de Montigny. 2019. Tree damage after fertilization of thinned lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, and spruce stands in the British Columbia interior: synthesis report on up to 18-year responses from EP886. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 120.
- Reid, A., L. de Montigny, C. Prescott, and T. Sajedi. 2017. A systematic review of forest fertilization research in interior British Columbia. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 111.
The National Research Council of Canada grants permission to individuals to download or print single copies of articles published by the NRC Research Press: NRC Publications
- Berch, S.M., R.P. Brockley, J. Battigelli, and S. Hagerman. 2009. Impacts of repeated fertilization on fine roots, mycorrhizas, mesofuana, and soil chemistry under young interior spruce in central British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 39:889–896.
- Brockley, R.P. 2007. Effects of 12 years of repeated fertilization on the foliar nutrition and growth of young lodgepole pine in the central interior of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 37:2115–2129.
- Berch, S.M., R.P. Brockley, J. Battigelli, S. Hagerman, and B. Holl. 2006. Impacts of repeated fertilization on components of the soil biota under a young lodgepole pine stand in the interior of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 36:1415–1426.
- Amponsah, I.G., P.G. Comeau, R.P. Brockley, and V.J. Lieffers. 2005. Effects of repeated fertilization on needle longevity, foliar nutrition, effective leaf area index, and growth characteristics of lodgepole pine in interior British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. For. Res. 35:440–451.
- Brockley, R.P. 2005. Effects of post-thinning density and repeated fertilization on the growth and development of young lodgepole pine. Can. J. For. Res. 35:1952–1964.
- Sanborn, P., J. Prietzel, and R.P. Brockley. 2005. Soil and lodgepole pine foliar responses to two fertilizer sulphur forms in the Sub-Boreal Spruce zone, central interior British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35:2316–2322.
- Amponsah, I.G., V.J. Lieffers, P.G. Comeau, and R.P. Brockley. 2004. Growth response and sapwood hydraulic properties of young lodgepole pine following repeated fertilization. Tree Physiol. 24:1099–1108.
- Brockley, R.P. 2004. Effects of different sources and rates of sulphur on the growth and foliar nutrition of nitrogen-fertilized lodgepole pine. Can. J. For. Res. 34:728–743.
- vanAkker, L., R. Alfaro, and R. Brockley. 2004. Effects of fertilization on resin canal defenses and incidence of Pissodes strobi attack in interior spruce. Can. J. For. Res. 34:855–862.
- Brockley, R.P. 2003. Effects of nitrogen and boron fertilization on foliar boron nutrition and growth in two different lodgepole pine ecosystems. Can. J. For. Res. 33:988–996.
- Brockley, R.P. and P. Sanborn. 2003. Effects of Sitka alder on the growth and foliar nutrition of young lodgepole pine in the central interior of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 33:1761–1771.
- Brown, K.R. and R. van den Driessche. 2002. Growth and nutrition of hybrid poplars over 3 years after fertilization and planting. Can. J. For. Res. 32:226–232.
- Kishchuk, B.E. and R.P. Brockley. 2002. Sulfur availability on lodgepole pine sites in British Columbia. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:1325–1333.
- Kishchuk, B.E., G.F. Weetman, R.P. Brockley, and C.E. Prescott. 2002. Fourteen-year growth response of young lodgepole pine to repeated fertilization. Can. J. For. Res. 32:153–160.
- Brockley, R.P. 2000. Using foliar variables to predict the response of lodgepole pine to nitrogen and sulphur fertilization. Can. J. For. Res. 30:1389–1399.
- van den Driessche, R. 2000. Phosphorus, copper, and zinc supply levels influence growth and nutrition of a young Populus trichocarpa (Torr. and Gray) × P. deltoides (Bartr. ex Marsh.) hybrid. New For. 19:143–157.
- van den Driessche, R. 1999. First year growth response of four Populus trichocarpa x Populus deltoides clones to fertilizer placement and level. Can. J. For. Res. 29:554–562.
- Brockley, R.P. 1995. Effects of nitrogen source and season of application on the nutrition and growth of lodgepole pine. Can. J. For. Res. 25:516–526.
- Kernaghan, G., S. Berch, and R. Carter. 1995. Effect of urea fertilization on ectomycorrhizae of 20-year-old Tsuga heterophylla. Can. J. For. Res. 25:891–901.
- Brockley, R.P. and F.J. Sheran. 1994. Foliar nutrient status and fascicle weight of lodgepole pine after nitrogen and sulphur fertilization in the interior of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 24:792–803.
- Swift, K. and R.P. Brockley. 1994. Evaluating the nutrient status and fertilization response potential of planted spruce in the interior of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 24:594–602.
- Brockley, R.P. 1992. Effects of fertilization on the nutrition and growth of a slow growing Engelmann spruce plantation in south central British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 22:1617–1622.
- Brockley, R.P. 1990. Response of thinned, immature lodgepole pine to nitrogen and boron fertilization. Can. J. For. Res. 20:579–585.
- Carter, R.E. and R.P. Brockley. 1990. Boron deficiencies in British Columbia: diagnosis and treatment evaluation. For. Ecol. Manag. 37:83–94.
B.C. Ministry of Forests publications
The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Publications Search
- Addo-Danso, S.D., C.E. Prescott, and L. de Montigny. 2019. Responses of western hemlock, western redcedar, and amabilis fir to fertilization: a synthesis. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 123.
- Jang, W., B.N.I. Eskelson, and L. de Montigny. 2019. Tree damage after fertilization of thinned lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, and spruce stands in the British Columbia interior: synthesis report on up to 18-year responses from EP886. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 120.
- Reid, A., L. de Montigny, C. Prescott, and T. Sajedi. 2017. A systematic review of forest fertilization research in interior British Columbia. Prov. B.C., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 111.
- Omule, A.Y., A.K. Mitchell, and W.L. Wagner. 2011. Fertilization and thinning effects on a Douglas-fir ecosystem at Shawnigan Lake: 32-year growth response. Nat. Resources Can., Can. For. Serv., Pac. For. Cent., Victoria, BC. Inf. Rep. FI-X-005.
- Brockley, R.P. 2010. Effects of intensive fertilization on the foliar nutrition and growth of young lodgepole pine forests in the British Columbia interior: 12 year results. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 058.
- Brockley, R.P. and P. Sanborn. 2009. Effects of repeated fertilization on forest floor and mineral soil properties in young lodgepole pine and spruce forests in central British Columbia. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 052.
- Berch, S. and R.P. Brockley. 2008. Effects of repeated fertilization on fine roots, mycorrhizae, and soil mesofauna in young lodgepole pine and spruce forests in central British Columbia. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 84.
- Brockley, R.P. 2008. Can thinning and fertilizing young lodgepole pine mitigate future timber supply challenges? B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 82.
- Brockley, R.P. 2007. Assessing the effects of fertilization on understorey vegetation in young lodgepole pine and spruce forests in central British Columbia. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 81.
- Brockley, R.P. 2006. Comparing the effects of urea and ammonium nitrate fertilizers on the growth and foliar nutrition of lodgepole pine: 6-year results. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 78.
- Brockley, R.P. 2006. Effects of fertilization on the growth and foliar nutrition of immature Douglas-fir in the Interior Cedar–Hemlock zone of British Columbia. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Res. Rep. 27.
- Sanborn, P. and R. Brockley. 2005. Sulphur deficiencies in lodgepole pine: occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 71.
- Sanborn, P., R. Brockley, B. Mayer, M. Yan, and J. Prietzel. 2005. Sulphur fertilization of lodgepole pine: a stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) establishment report. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 020.
- Brockley, R.P. and D.G. Simpson. 2004. Effects of intensive fertilization on the foliar nutrition and growth of young lodgepole pine and spruce forests in the interior of British Columbia (E.P. 886.13): establishment and progress report. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Tech. Rep. 018.
- Brockley, R.P. 2001. Foliar sampling guidelines and nutrient interpretative criteria for lodgepole pine. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 52.
- de Montigny, L. and S. Stearns-Smith. 2001. Douglas-fir fertilization with biosolids: five-year results at Whistler, B.C. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 50.
- Muir, J.A., L. de Montigny, J.D. Beale, R.J. Nevill, and A. Zumrawi. 2001. Thinning and fertilizing effects in root diseases of Douglas-fir in coastal British Columbia. B.C. Min. For., For. Pract. Br., Victoria, B.C. For. Health Disease Manag. Rep. No. 1.
- Brockley, R.P. 2000. Using foliar nutrient levels to predict lodgepole pine fertilization response. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 44.
- Brown, K. 1999. First-year growth responses of young red alder stands to fertilization. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 36.
- Brown, K.R. 1999. Mineral nutrition and fertilization of deciduous broadleaved tree species in British Columbia. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Work. Pap. 42.
- de Montigny, L. and R.J. de Jong. 1998. Effects of thinning and fertilizing mixed western hemlock–Sitka spruce stands. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Res. Rep. 13.
- de Montigny, L. and R.J. de Jong. 1998. Effects of thinning and fertilizing mixed western hemlock–Sitka spruce stands. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 28.
- Brockley, R.P. 1996. Lodgepole pine nutrition and fertilization: a summary of B.C. Ministry of Forests research results. Can. For. Serv. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 266.
- Stone, J.N. 1994. Extensive studies of fertilizing and thinning coastal Douglas-fir and western hemlock: an installation report. Can. For. Serv. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 227.
- van Akker, L., R. Brockley, and R. Alfaro. 2005. Interactions between fertilization and white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi) attack in young interior spruce plantations. B.C. Min. For. Range, Victoria, B.C. Exten. Note 75.
- Brix, H. 1993. Fertilization and thinning effects on a Douglas-fir ecosystem at Shawnigan Lake: a synthesis of project results. For. Can. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 196.
- Brockley, R.P. 1992. Response of thinned, immature lodgepole pine to nitrogen fertilization: six-year growth response. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Memo 202.
- Brockley, R.P. 1991. Response of thinned, immature lodgepole pine to nitrogen fertilization: six-year growth response. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 184.
- Omule, S.A.Y. and G.M. Britton. 1991. Basal area response nine years after fertilizing and thinning western hemlock. For. Can. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 137.
- Brockley, R.P. and K. Swift. 1990. Interior spruce, Douglas-fir, and western larch fertilizer screening trials in the British Columbia interior. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Memo 129.
- Omule, S.A.Y. 1990. Net basal area response 9 years after fertilizing thinned and unthinned Douglas-fir. Can. For. Serv. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 097.
- Brockley, R.P. 1989. The effects of fertilization on the early growth of planted seedlings: a problem analysis. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Memo 081.
- Brockley, R.P. 1989. The response of young lodgepole pine to spring and fall applications of urea and ammonium nitrate fertilizer. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Res. Memo 120.
- Brockley, R.P. 1989. Response of thinned, immature lodgepole pine to nitrogen fertilization: three-year growth response. Can. For. Serv. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 036.
- Darling, L.M. and S.A.Y. Omule. 1989. Extensive studies of fertilizing and thinning coastal Douglas-fir and western hemlock: an establishment report. Can. For. Serv. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 054.
- Brockley, R.P. 1988. The effects of fertilization on the early growth of planted seedlings: a problem analysis. Can. For. Serv. and B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 011.
- Brockley, R.P. and D. Yole. 1985. Growth response of lodgepole pine to operational fertilizer application near Burns Lake, B.C. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Res. Rep. RR85005-HQ.
- Brockley, R.P. 2001. Fertilization of lodgepole pine in western Canada. In: Proc. Enhanced For. Manag.: Fert. and Econ. Conf., Mar. 1–2, 2001, Edmonton, Alta. C. Bamsey (editor). Clear Lake Ltd., Edmonton, Alta., pp. 44–55.
- Brockley, R.P. 2001. Foliar analysis as a planning tool for operational fertilization. In: Proc. Enhanced For. Manag.: Fert. and Econ. Conf., Mar. 1–2, 2001, Edmonton, Alta. C. Bamsey (editor). Clear Lake Ltd., Edmonton, Alta., pp. 63–68.
- DiLucca, C.M. 2001. Using TIPSY to analyze the value of fertilized lodgepole pine stands. In: Proc. Enhanced For. Manag.: Fert. and Econ. Conf., Mar. 1–2, 2001, Edmonton, Alta. C. Bamsey (editor). Clear Lake Ltd., Edmonton, Alta., pp. 130–137.
- Brockley, R.P. 1996. Lodgepole pine nutrition and fertilization. In: Stand management prescriptions for lodgepole pine. Proc. North. Silv. Comm. Winter Workshop, Mar. 5–7, 1996, Prince George, B.C. C. Farnden (editor). North. Silv. Committee and For. Renewal B.C.
- Brockley, R.P., R.L. Trowbridge, T.M. Ballard, and A.M. Macadam. 1992. Nutrient management in interior forest types. In: Proc. For. Fert.: Sustaining and Improving Nutrition and Growth of West. For., Feb. 12–14, 1991, Seattle, Wash. H.N. Chappell, G.F. Weetman, and R.E. Miller (editors). Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. Contrib. 73, pp. 43–64.
- Chappell, H.N., S.A.Y. Omule, and S.P. Gessel. 1992. Fertilization in coastal northwest forests: using response information in developing stand-level tactics. In: Proc. For. Fert.: Sustaining and Improving Nutrition and Growth of West. For., Feb. 12–14, 1991, Seattle, Wash. H.N. Chappell, G.F. Weetman, and R.E. Miller (editors). Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. Contrib. 73, pp. 98–113.
- Mika, P.G., J.A. Moore, R.P. Brockley, and R.F. Powers. 1992. Fertilization response by interior forests: when, where, and how much? In: Proc. For. Fert.: Sustaining and Improving Nutrition and Growth of West. For., Feb. 12–14, 1991, Seattle, Wash. H.N. Chappell, G.F. Weetman, and R.E. Miller (editors). Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. Contrib. 73, pp. 127–142.
- Brockley, R.P. 1991. Forest fertilization research in the interior of British Columbia. In: Proc. of a For. Fert. Workshop: Improving For. Fert. Decision-making in British Columbia, Mar. 2–3, 1988, Vancouver, B.C. J.D. Lousier, H. Brix, R. Brockley, R.
- Carter, and V.G. Marshall (editors). B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C., pp. 236–251.
- Kumi, J., J.D. Lousier, and S.A.Y. Omule. 1991. Coastal B.C. forest fertilization research. In: Proc. of a For. Fert. Workshop: Improving For. Fert. Decision-making in British Columbia, Mar. 2–3, 1988, Vancouver, B.C. J.D. Lousier, H. Brix, R. Brockley, R. Carter, and V.G. Marshall (editors). B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C., pp. 230–235.
- Brockley, R.P. and T.P. Sullivan. 1988. Relationship of feeding damage by red squirrels to cultural treatments in young stands of lodgepole pine. In: Proc. Future For. of the Mountain West: a Stand Culture Symp., Sept. 29–Oct. 3, 1986, Missoula, Mont. W.C. Schmidt (editor). U.S. Dep. Agric., For. Serv., Ogden, Utah. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-243, pp. 322–329.
- Brockley, R.P. 1986. Ministry of Forests fertilization research in the B.C. interior. In: Proc. Interior For. Fert. Workshop, Feb. 4–5, 1986, Kamloops, B.C. R.P. Brockley (editor). B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C., pp. 77–101.
- Miller, R.E., P.R. Barker, C.E. Peterson, and S.R. Webster. 1986. Using nitrogen fertilizers in management of coast Douglas-fir: I. Regional trends of response. In: Douglas-fir: Stand Manag. for the Future, June 18–20, 1985, Seattle, Wash. C.D. Oliver, D.P. Handley, and F.A. Johnson (editors). Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. Contrib. 55, pp. 290–303.
- Peterson, C.E., S.R. Webster, P.R. Barker, and R.E. Miller. 1986. Using nitrogen fertilizers in management of coast Douglas-fir: II. Future informational needs. In: Douglas-fir: Stand Manag. for the Future, June 18–20, 1985, Seattle, Wash. C.D. Oliver, D.P. Handley, and F.A. Johnson (editors). Univ. Washington, Seattle, Wash. Contrib. 55, pp. 304–309.
Issues of FORREX publications can be downloaded from FORREX - Forest Research Extension Partnership [LINK BROKEN]
- Sanborn, P.T. and R.P. Brockley. 2006. A research update: sulphur nutrition of lodgepole pine. FORREX – For. Res. Exten. Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. LINK 7(3):18–19.
- vanAkker, L., R.I. Alfaro, and R. Brockley. 2005. Fertilization effects on weevil damage: not all bad news. FORREX – For. Res. Exten. Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. LINK 6(3):20–21.
- Brockley, R.P. and P. Sanborn. 2004. Managing the sulphur nutrition of lodgepole pine. For. Res. Exten. Partnership (FORREX), Kamloops, B.C. LINK 5(4):6.
- Brockley, R.P. 2004. Intensive fertilization may improve timber supply. FORREX – For. Res. Exten. Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. LINK 6(2):16–17.
- Brockley, R.P. 2002. Scientists develop "expert" system for diagnosing the foliar nutrient status of lodgepole pine. South. Interior For. Exten. Res. Partnership (SIFERP), Kamloops, B.C. LINK 3(3):18.
- Girard, A. 2014. A five-year comparison, between fertilizer and biosolids, of yield in a coastal Douglas-fir plantation: an eighteen year post fertilization growth response assessment. BScF thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- Amponsah, I.G. 2004. Factors contributing to variation in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) response to fertilization. PhD thesis. Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.
- Blevins, D.P. 2004. The influence of nutrition and density on repressed lodgepole pine. PhD thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- Negrave, R.W. 2004. Nutrient and establishment density effects on structural development and growth processes in juvenile western redcedar and western hemlock stands on northern Vancouver Island. PhD thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- vanAkker, L. 2002. The effects of fertilizer treatments on the resin canal defenses of spruce and incidence of attack by the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi. MSc thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- White, J.B. 2000. Studies of western hemlock nutrition. PhD thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- Kishchuk, B.E. 1998. Sulphur availability on interior lodgepole pine sites. PhD thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- Zhong, A. 1998. Efficacy of secondary biosolids fertilization in a managed Douglas-fir forest in the Coastal Western Hemlock zone of British Columbia. PhD thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- Swift, K.I. 1991. Response of interior spruce to fertilization in the interior of British Columbia. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
- Thomson, A., R. Brockley, and J. Saini. 2001. Lodgepole pine foliar nutrient diagnosis and fertilizer advisory system. Can. For. Serv., Victoria, B.C.