Private Managed Forest Land Program Review

Last updated on February 25, 2025

The Private Managed Forest Land (PMFL) Program review was initiated to examine how well the program is meeting its goals to:

  • encourage private landowners to manage their lands for long-term forest production, and
  • encourage sustainable forest management practices, including the protection of key public environmental values.

Review Process

The review is being carried out in three concurrent phases:

  1. Online public engagement​
  2. Consultation with communities and stakeholders​
  3. Consultation with regulators

Information gathered will be used by the ministry to examine how well the program is meeting its goals, with recommendations prepared for government.

Public Engagement

As part of the review, the ministry sought public feedback on where the program is most effective, and if improvements are needed. British Columbians in all regions of the province were invited to participate in the PMFL Program review engagement process from May 28, 2019 to July 22, 2019.

Participants had two ways to provide input; they could complete an online questionnaire that was comprised of a combination of multiple-choice questions and comment responses, or they could also send a formal written submission of up to five pages. Many participants chose to do both, resulting in 1,127 online feedback forms (containing 5,363 written comments) and 283 written submissions. The ministry also held 27 in-person information sessions with interested local governments and stakeholder groups. The feedback provided by British Columbians through this engagement will help to inform the government’s consideration of future policy options.

Consultation with Communities and Stakeholders

The ministry has met directly with, and accepted written submissions from, organizations and groups who are directly impacted by regulation of private managed forest land, including:

  • Local governments and community groups
  • Indigenous communities
  • The Private Forest Landowners Association, which represents the majority of private managed forest landowners

This consultation will continue until the completion of the review.

Consultation with Regulators

The ministry has consulted with:

  • The Managed Forest Council who are responsible for the administration of private managed forest land legislation
  • Government departments and agencies responsible for aspects of private managed forest land regulation.

This consultation will continue until the completion of the review.