BC Timber Sales - Contract Advisory Committee (BCAC)

Publication date: April 27, 2017

The BC Timber Sales Contract Advisory Committee (BCAC) is made up of BCTS staff and representatives from our contracting community. The role of BCAC is to identify opportunities for improvement in BCTS contracting practices.

BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and its contracting community have agreed to renew and revitalize BCAC to make contracting more effective for BCTS and its contractors. This collaboration will assist BCTS in achieving its goal and objectives.

The group has been involved in developing initiatives such as the continuous bid deposit, tender quality assurance process and eliminating planting performance securities and the planting contractor rating system. These initiatives are currently being evaluated and improved. 

BCTS contract advisory committee’s goals:

  • Build stronger working relationships and collaborations between BCTS and its contractors
  • Provide a forum for the contracting community to provide input and feedback on BCTS contracting practices
  • Increase the efficiency of contracting for BCTS and contractors
  • Identify opportunities for improvement and support changes in contracting practices that benefit both parties

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about the BCTS contract advisory committee.

BC Timber Sales, PO BOX 9507 STN PROV GOVT
Victoria, BC V8W 9C1