Land use - management plans

Last updated on December 16, 2022

All applications require an explanation of the activities that are proposed for the land. Applications also contain information to justify the size of the site and the proposed use of the land.

Information requirements vary somewhat by land use program. Standard forms for the various information documents, outlining the type and level of information required are available at the links at the bottom of this page. Specific information required for each program use (if applicable) is available on the program Application checklist page.

A management plan is a written report which explains the proposal in detail. 

The plan may evolve throughout the application process in response to issues and concerns raised during agency, stakeholder, public and First Nations reviews. A final management plan addresses all issues deemed to be relevant by the decision maker, which were raised during the land use acceptability review. The final management plan identifies how operating conditions, standards or criteria resulting from earlier stages will be met. More information is available here (PDF 1.1MB)

Standard forms for the various information documents

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