December 12, 1989
BCAB #968B
Re: Appeal 968 - Sprinkler System Design, NFPA 13.
With reference to your letter of October 26, 1989, regarding our decision under Appeal #968. That decision related to the application of Clause 3 - 16.2.9. in NFPA 13 and use of a 13D system within a dwelling unit.
This issue has already been raised, and our response was dated May 10th, under Appeal #968-A. Although this has been widely circulated you may not have seen the letter, a copy of which is attached; it is difficult to clarify in any more detail what seems to be a very simple situation. We have no disagreement with the formal interpretation issued by the NFPA, and find no conflict with our decision. Essentially, subject to the provisions of Clause 3 - 16.2.9. of NFPA 13, residential sprinklers may be used in the dwelling units of any occupancy. We take this to mean complete compliance with the provisions of 13D for this purpose; once inside the dwelling unit, the system becomes a 13D system. For sprinkler location in these areas, Clause 4 - 6 of 13D would apply, as stated in Appeal #968-A. Any modification of these location requirements would have necessitated a qualification to the provisions of Clause 3 - 16.2.9. in NFPA 12, there is no such qualification, so the requirements apply as indicated.
J.C. Currie, Chair